Chapter 30: That Still Small Light

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"Attack?!" Luke exclaimed at the top of his lungs, receiving a few looks from people who had obviously known this a lot longer then he had. Leia nodded, "Yes Luke, an attack. Now follow me before I make you!" Luke obeyed his twin and followed her, Han, Chewie, Poe and Ben trailing close behind. Leia led them into the control room and they gathered around the table with a hologram of the battle ships coming in.

"First Order?" Han questioned and Leia nodded to him. "Do we know why they're attacking?" Asked Luke. "No, all we know is that they are, but we're trying to find out why." General Organa informed the men. Ben took this moment when everyone was distracted to make a run for the hills-- or the forest in his case. He slowly started inching out the back door, careful to not make any noise whilst doing it. He was halfway out the door when Poe's eye caught his. All Poe needed to do was give Ben a stare that said 'What are you doing?' and Ben opened the back door and shot off, still somehow being as quiet as a mouse. Poe didn't bother casing after him; he was needed here to help fight, plus the kid annoyed him more than anything in the Galaxy.

Ben ran as fast as he could -which was fast- and after about three minutes, he made it to the woods where Snoke has been for the past few days. "Hello? Anyone here? Hello?!" Ben called out in a raspy voice, he was parched to be completely honest, but he dare not say a word of it to Snoke because that would be considered a sign of weakness and then he would no longer be the best person for the job. "Yes, I'm here," Snoke came out towards the boy, standing a good foot taller than him, Snoke was about 6'2-- normal height for a creature of his species. "What is it?" Ben took a deep breath, and in almost one whole breath, he exclaimed the problem.

"The First Order is attacking us and I don't know if you sent them or they're just doing it, but they're going to hurt my family and I can't let that happen, you said no one that I care about would get hurt! That was the deal!" Ben wasn't crying or anything that a normal child his age would be doing at the moment, he had a face of steel; the kind of face that said back off; the face of Kylo Ren. "No one's getting hurt child, I just told a connection at Star-Killer to send us a few... Uh, reinforcements, down here. In case we need them." Snoke tried to reason with Ben, but the real reason wasn't as he says, it's an attack, and Ben knew it.

"No. I know when people lie. I'm the king of lies. That is a lie, don't deny it. Now you call off those fighter ships or we might have a problem here. And you'd hate to lose your prized apprentice, now wouldn't you?" Ben spit back, now full of rage and anger. He may be heading for the dark side, but he's still has light in him, people just have to dig deep enough to find it.

"You need to stop caring for this family of yours! Did you not say your father is careless?! Did you not say your mother is too busy for you?! Did you not say that you wish to have your uncles power?! I can give you that power! But you need to forget about your family!" Snoke snapped back to the boy. Now, with a normal child, this wouldn't go so well, but Ben seemed to take a liken to the idea. Power in exchange for the still small torch he carries for his family. They made the deal. "Now all you'll need to do is take out the rest of your uncle's students." Snoke said.

"But why? Why them? They've done nothing..." said Ben. "Perhaps...but they could hold more power than you, they could take you down. We don't want that, do we?" Snoke asked him with a sinister smirk on his face. He's leading Ben Solo into a hole, one that only lightness can get him out of. Supreme Leader Snoke doesn't really care about giving Ben the power he wants or deserves, he just wants one thing, what all the rulers of this Galaxy want: world domination. And with Ben playing the role of Jedi killer in his plan, he was sure to have just that.


I know this isn't too long of a chapter, the next one is about 1k words long, so get ready for that. The fight/attack will be next chapter and that's going to be fun to write. Just in case you didn't catch the drift of this chapters purpose, it's to show you that Ben Solo (*cough* Kylo Ren *cough*) still has some light left in him (hence the title of this chapter...).

Thanks for reading my insane authors note.



MAY 6TH 2016

Yayayayayay!!! I'm kinda #TeamCap (for lots of reasons but mainly because Scarlet Witch is my favorite character ever) but I might be #TeamIronMan or even team both

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Yayayayayay!!! I'm kinda #TeamCap (for lots of reasons but mainly because Scarlet Witch is my favorite character ever) but I might be #TeamIronMan or even team both. . . I don't think I can choose until I see the movie and figure out who I stand with (chances are its Cap).

HOLY SHAWRMA, it's the 30th chapter and I have 700-something views!! Thanks guys, you're the best!

QOTD: What team are you for civil war?

AOTD: Mines above...heh heh...I'm such a nerd....

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