Chapter 16: The Greatest Star Pilot In The Galaxy.

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Luke watched closely as Han strapped the little kid into a pilots seat of an old X-Wing. "You be carful, ok Poe?" Han warned the 7 year old. He was just going for a joy ride around the base but still, Han didn't want any...mishaps to occur.

"Ok. I will." Poe said as he put on his helmet and started up the X-Wing. The ship took off at lightning speed as he flew across the base.

"That's one heck of a kid..." Han looked at Luke and said thoughtfully. "Might even be the best pilot in the Galaxy one day."

Luke's head snapped to Han, as he remembered Obi-Wan saying that about his father. "What did you just say?"

Han looked at Luke as if he needed a hearing aid. "I said he might be the best pilot in the Galaxy one day."

"Oh...yeah..." Luke's thoughts carried off as he starred into space.

"You alright kid?" Han noticed Luke's face and didn't like it one bit.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine..." Luke wasn't fine. Sometimes 'I'm fine' is the most common lie ever told. When people say it, they usually aren't fine at all.

"Alright, whatever you say..." Han forced his attention back to Poe, who was doing a really good job at piloting for a kid! Poe circled back around and landed the X-Wing. When he climbed out Han and Luke made their way to him.

"You're gonna be one heck of a pilot one day kid." Han told Poe as he helped him take off his helmet.

"Great job." Luke smiled, turns out, he could relate to this kid more then he thought he could.

"Thanks!" Poe said to both of the men.

Luke gave Han a look and he shrugged, again. "Well, you got any relatives Poe? Or is it just you?" Luke asked, kneeling down to his level.

"Nope, just me." Poe had a almost sad look on his face.

Luke, again, had a bunch of sympathy for the kid. No family, all alone for a long time. Luke hoped he could change that and find his family. He just got the feeling they didn't want to be found. Or even worse...they aren't alive, Luke didn't want to think that way. He wouldn't let this kid grow up alone. Even if that meant it took a ton of work for him, Luke wasn't going to give up. Jedi don't give up and Luke is a Jedi.

Luke shook away the thoughts in his mind. "Come on Poe, let's go inside."

"Okie!" The eager 7 year old followed him.

Han laughed as they walked away towards the house. 'Luke's crazy. He took on a kid when he can barely take care of himself.' Han thought to himself then followed them into the house.

They opened the door and instantly heard crying nonstop. "Yikes! Must be past Threepio's bedtime..." Luke joked.

"Must be." Han replied with a playful roll of his eyes to Luke.

"It. Never. Stops." Leia said as she came into the same room as the rest of them with a screaming crying baby Ben.

"Never is probably an overstatement Leia." Luke teased his sister.

"Here let me try." Han said as Leia handed him the baby.

He shut-up as soon as Han held him.

"What the..." Leia questioned in awe at how fast that worked.

"You've either got it or you don't!" Han winked at Luke in the corner of his eye.

"Uh-huh..." Leia went along with it, giving Han a look.

"Oh, right I almost forgot. Leia this is Poe, Poe this is my sister Leia." Luke introduced them to each other.

"Hello Poe. How old are you?" Leia didn't know why Luke was bringing him here, but she had learned not to question her brother.

"I'm 7 and a half." Poe answered. Because the half makes such a difference.

"I see, and Luke," Leia's voice went into a whisper, "not to be rude but, why is he here?"

Luke whispered back. "Because, he has no parents or family and I felt bad for him. So, I'm gonna watch him until I find his family."

"Luke...I know why you feel bad...but we don't know who his family is. This could end badly, I mean, what if his parents know..." Leia gave Luke a gesture with her eyes to Poe and looked back to Luke.

"I know, I know. But I have to try. Not knowing your parents...I wouldn't want that for anyone..." Luke knew his sister had her 'parents' but it wasn't the same.

"Ok...yeah ok. You do what you need to do." Leia also knew that if Luke found out Poe's family are dead... She knew what that felt like too.

"Guys...quiet..." Han interrupted the conversation between Luke and Leia because Ben had fallen asleep in his arms.

"Lay him down on the bed. Thank you so much." Leia seemed relieved that he finally went to sleep.

"So Poe, what do you like to do?" Leia asked him.

"I like to fly ships!" Poe exclaimed getting a playful 'shush!' From Han.

"Sorry, I like to fly ships." Poe whispered.

Leia laughed. "Are you any good?"

"Yeah, I think so. He said I could even be great one day." Poe pointed to Han.

"He did, huh? Someones going soft." Leia joked with Han.

"I am not. I just simply told the truth that's all." Han quipped back.

"Oh ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Leia teased.

"Hey, I'm hungry. Got any food around here?" Poe said, looking around the house.

"If you wait you can have dinner." Leia told the outgoing child.

"Ok. I guess I can wait." Poe said.


Took forever to get this done. I kept tweaking it around all day after I got done with school work. And now it's here!
I'm gonna try to get my school done by 12:00 or 1:00 in the afternoon so I can write. (I'm homeschooled so I can do that 😏)

Anyway, I'll try to update at least once a day, if not more.


P.S. The chapters name is a Obi-Wan quote just like that other chapter.

I had to update this cause I spelled some things wrong. If you want to read it again that's given but I just fixed 'Pos' to Poe. Stupid autocorrect. And I changed 'he said I couldn't be great one day' to why I meant 'he said I could even be great one day.' 😂 autocorrect hates me.

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