Chapter 33: Dig Deep or Go Home

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Rey woke up from her deep sleep and rubbed her eyes, she was still tired, but she had to get to work before the sun came out and it got too hot to work. She tossed the sand under feet around as she climbed out of the AT-AT and started walking in the dark, cool weather. She knew it wouldn't be cool for long, and that it was dangerous to be out in the dark all alone, but given that she's lived here almost her entire life, she knows how to handle herself. The girl walked and waked until her feet hurt, with a small tan bag in her hand that smelled of moldy bits of portions and dust mites. When she stopped walking, she was at the spot she had wanted to be, and thankfully, it was still dark out.

She looked down what seemed to be a big black hole in the earth, but Rey knew it to be an old mining shaft that was shut down because of sand cave ins. The young eight-year-old girl opened her bag and pulled out a rope about twenty feet long and tied one end to a pulley. Then the other end to a metal hook, and used a hammer to pound the hook into a rock in the ground. When she was done, she had made a pretty decent looking harness to lower herself into the shaft with. She tied the rope around her small waist and fixed the pulley to work. Then she climbed onto the side of the shaft's opening and started letting herself down slowly, stopping every once and again to keep her footing on the wall of the shaft.

She got towards the middle and stopped going down. There was a shiny rock, maybe diamond, but Rey wasn't exactly an expert in minerals. She did however, know that it looked valuable and that she could probably get a good amount meals out of it if she cleaned it up well, so she took the back of the hammer and cut the rock out, sticking it in her bag. It wasn't terribly heavy, but it did weight the fifty-five-pound girl down a bit. She kept going and found old tools that she stuck in her bag. Five more minutes in and she had a good haul.

One shiny rock.

Four old rusty miners tools.

Two mismatching shoes.

One old piece of metal junk.

She would've liked to grab more, but the sun was coming out and her bag was getting too heavy to hold. She slung the bag over her shoulder once more and headed up, one hand on the rope and one hand on the shaft wall. As she was climbing up, something felt off to her. The sand above her started to shake. Oh no, don't cave in. . . she thought to herself as the sand started falling on her head. Someone was up there. She knew it.

"Help! Someone help me!" Rey screamed up as she closed her eyes to keep the sand out.

No answer.

"I know you're up there!" She said again, this time a little louder.

There was again, no answer given.

Rey thought this was the end. She had wanted to go out in a more heroic way. Maybe saving a child from a kidnapper, or even in a fight for good against evil. But this? This was lame. Just as she started to panic, an orange hand reached down and gripped her small one.

"Hold on tight and I'll pull you up!" The person said and Rey obeyed, not really caring about who saved her at the moment. 


Cliffhanger! Muahahhahaha.

Hey, I updated on time! Shocked much? Heheh. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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