Chapter 28: What Lies Inside

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The Force, you have it, stronger then you know. That was all Snoke had said about Ben's potential to this, 'First Order', Ben guessed it was like the Empire in a way, strong, over-powering, and doesn't stop at any cost. The boy had been able to practice his Dark-Side teachings more today then he thought, his father, uncle, and Chewbacca had disappeared for some odd reason and his mother was busy, too busy for her son, apparently. What else is new? Well, on the bright side, this new lightsaber he had gotten is pretty sick. . .

Ben was just about to test out his new toy again when he got interrupted, he sensed someone behind him. Poe Dameron. Ugh. Ben resented him for obvious reasons, he spent so much more time with his parents then he himself did. How rude of Poe to think he could do that.

"Uh, what's that?" Poe asked as he came up next to Ben and pointed at his Lightsaber on the ground. Ben tried to conceal it under the moss but Poe was too quick, he picked it up and studied it.

"It's nothing. Give it back." Ben ordered Poe in a cool voice. He didn't give it back though, he just looked at it and wondered why Ben had tried to hide his lightsaber, didn't all Jedi have them? "Give it back!" Ben yelled and still, Poe didn't do as he asked. Ben was getting impatient, his face turning red, his eyebrows narrowing, his teeth clenching. This wasn't the face of Ben Solo. No, this was the face of someone else, someone who had took the sweet and caring boy's place in the world. Someone who was full of anger and hatred.

"Or what? You'll Jedi mind trick me to do it?" Poe snickered, causing the boy's face to get even darker, if that was possible.

"Give. It. Back. Now." Ben ordered. Poe was taken aback, this wasn't the boy he grew up with. "Give it back! It's mine!" Ben lunged at Poe and grabbed the Lightsaber from his grasp. "It's mine. You're simply a pilot, that's all, you are not fit to hold such a weapon."

"I might be just a pilot, but at least I actually get haircuts." Poe smirked and crossed his arms. Ben just snared and crossed his arms as well.

"My hair is fabulous. You're just jealous, that's all." He bragged and stuck his Lightsaber in its holster on his belt. How dare Poe insult his hair.

"Whatever," Scoffed Poe. "I'm telling Leia that you are hiding in the woods and tried to hide your Lightsaber from me. And that it looks different. And to give you a haircut. A buzz cut, that is."

Ben stepped back. A buzz cut?! Is this guy crazy?! "You can't. . . I- I won't let you!"

"Watch me, kid." Kid. So now he gets to talk like Han too? Some nerve. Ben ran off to the rebel base to find his mom. He had considered finding Snoke or just killing off Poe then and there, but he needed to make sure Poe didn't tell his mother anything, and he couldn't risk killing him now, so he had to get there first. He ran and barged in on the base, bumping into some fish-head guy on the way, Ben didn't know who the heck he was but his name tag said 'Ackbar, Admiral' on it, so he used his name in the apology.

He continued down the hall, running and bumping into things and people as he zoomed by. Ben finally found the control room and opened the door. His Mom was sitting there, talking to some other lady; it looked important, Resistance crap maybe. Ben decided to listen in, try and hear what they were talking about, to get the information back to Supreme Leader. But it was nothing of any use, just random budget cuts because The New Republic isn't giving them as much as they used too. There's even rumors going around that they'll stop helping out The Resistance completely.

Once they finished talking, the lady left the room and Leia started working on some papers. Ben went back outside the room and sat on a chair, as long as Poe didn't show up, there was no need to tell his mother anything. Lies or not. About an hour had gone by and Leia walked out of the room.

"Ben?" She asked as soon as she saw him sitting on the chair. "Why are you here, honey?"

Ben snapped to attention and tried to make up a lie to conceal the truth. He was very good at lying anyway, his uncle told him that. "I wanted to ask if I could go see Lor San Tekka?" Ben covered up. His mother seemed to buy it, too.

"Sure. Go ahead," Leia said and smiled. "Just don't stay too long!" She yelled after him as he ran back out the door and across the grass to a house that old Lor San Tekka lived in. He was an old man, born back during the clone wars, from what Ben had heard. Ben knew he now had no choice but to go see the man, since he'd be caught in a lie if he didn't. He swung open the door and looked around the house for the man. He didn't appear to be home. What a shame. Ben was about to walk out when he turned and saw Lor San Tekka standing right behind him.


Heyo! I updated on time for once! Shocker right! Haha, I was in a writing mood today, as I wrote about 1000 words in this update and about 1000 words in an update for The Forest (check it out if you want, it's my first original story aka: not a fan fic). Anyway. . . Hope you liked this chapter, if you did, remember to vote and comment, makes my day! I know it's easy to forget to do them, or there's even the "I don't know if I'll like the book and I don't want to vote and then stop voting later" thing. Well guess what: if you like the book right now, I don't care if you stop voting later, I just want to know if I should keep it going.

Sorry for the essay of an authors note! Oh, my cold is gone and I think I did okay on my test.

Next chapter comin' soon!


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