Chapter 23: Takodana

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Snoke started his hologram up and called General Hux Sr and told him to send a squad to D'Qar, the Supreme Leader also mentioned that 'his plan has begun' or something along those lines. Snoke walked down the corridor towards the hanger on his secret base, Mustafar was hot and steamy as usual but Snoke didn't seem to mind at all. As he reached the hanger he climbed into a ship and started up the motor, the first stage of his plan in action. The ship took off with a blast as he flew off into the sky, the residence's of D'Qar were in for a big surprise.


Han was laying next to Leia on the couch when she got a call on her comm link from another General.

"Take it." Han groaned as she looked up at him.

"Thank you. It'll only be a moment I'm sure." Leia said and clicked the 'on' button. "Hello? Yes, this is General Organa." Leia had insisted she keep her 'birth name' even after they were married. Of course Han protested it, trying to let his name be dominant, but she didn't budge on the matter.

Han sighed, Leia kept the comm on 'private' setting so that only she could hear, and only listening to one side of a conversation wasn't very helpful at all.

"The rader spotted what?!" Leia exclaimed, causing Han to frown. "I'll be right there." She switched the comm link off and turned to Han with a look that said 'sorry'.

"Go ahead. I know you want to. Besides sweetheart, I'll still be here when you get back." He added with a seductive wink.

"Thank you, sorry again." Leia got up and gave her husband a kiss, then headed for the small, grey, metal building the rader scanner was in.

Han just sat there on the couch brainstorming on what to do with his free time. Finally, after a good 10 minutes, he had an idea. Chewie had been complaining that Han and him should take the Falcon for some sort of joy ride around the star system, but Han told him to wait until he wasn't busy. He was totally free today. Han walked out of the the house and found Chewie working on the Falcon's hyperdrive, that thing always acted up.

"Let's go." Han said and sat in the pilot's seat, getting a confused grunt and tilt of the head from the Wookiee. "Joy ride? Remember? Don't give me that look, it was your idea pal."

Chewbacca replied with a happy Shyriiwook growl and climbed into the co-pilot seat.

"C'mon, where are we headin'?"

Chewie gave a small grunt.

"Takodana it is then." Han said as he started up the engine and set the coordinates for Takodana. They flew for quite a bit until finally landing on the green planet. It was very silent the whole walk to the nearest town despite the birds singing and the chit chatter of the numerous creatures that abide in the forest. Once the duo made it to the town, the first thing they spotted was a large castle type building. Han's imagination got the best of him and he started to walk towards the castle with Chewie not far behind him, they opened the wooden doors to the building and in that instant the upbeat cantina-esc music blared loudly which caused Chewbacca to roar in surprise and the room went quiet.

"Uh, Chewie... I don't think that was the best thing to do...we're gettin' a few odd looks..." Han said, with a glance around the room.

A small yellow-brown creature with goggles waltzed out of the backroom, by the looks of it, the creature seemed feminine since it wore an necklace and a few bracelets on her wrist.

"What brings two fine lookin' boys like you to my bar?" The creature said.

Han gave a small laugh, "Sight seeing."

"Hah, just sight seein' huh?" The creature laughed.

"Do we know you?" A curious Han Solo asked in confusion.

"No, but I know you." The creature turned around and beckoned for Han and Chewie to follow. They reached a table with three seats and sat down.

"And just how do you know us?" Han asked.

"Stories. There's many stories if you just look hard enough for them." The wise creature said.

"And what stories do you know us from exactly?" Han snapped.

"Why you're Han Solo, and this handsome fellow is Chewbacca." She said with a smile, "You helped take down the empire! That was about...oh, 10 years ago. If my memory is correct, -and sometimes it's not mind you- your friend's, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa also helped on that mission."

"How do you know about all this? I'm guessin' news travels pretty fast around here, huh?"Han said, sarcastically.

"Ah, that it does, I'm Maz. Maz Kanata." Maz reached out her hand to shake.

"I'm Han. But you already knew that," Han and Maz shook hands and then Chewie growled. "oh, sorry pal. And this is my friend Chewbacca."

"Chewbacca, I like that name." Maz said, jokingly. "So what brings you two to Takodana anyhow?"

"Been a while since we went on a joy ride, and figured we'd take one here." Han answered with a smirk.

"Glad you did. I've been running this castle for about a thousand years now... never once did someone as cute as Chewbacca here come in." Maz continued to joke about the Wookiee, "Your girlfriend must be lucky." she winked.

Han let out a laugh, "Chewie here is single."

"Oh, not for long..." Maz gave another flirtatious wink towards the Wookiee causing him to smile.

Han rolled his eyes playfully and gave Maz his typical loppsided smile, meaning he liked her.

"I haven't heard much news about the rest of the world ever since our news carrier died 9 years ago, tell me Han, what's new?" Maz asked.

"Where to start? Well, there's a new threat to the Galaxy, goes by the name of 'The First Order' , they've got some resources that could be a problem in the near-future... but we are countering it with a group of old rebellion fighters and Generals, Luke and Leia included." Han said, resting his hand on the table gently.

"A new threat? Well it's a good thing your doing the best you can then! And last I had heard you and Leia Organa where married. That true?" Maz kept asking questions.

"It's true alright. We even had a kid about 9 years ago." Han told the curious creature.

"Congratulations, like I said we don't get the news much anymore around here." Maz stated.

"Personally, I'd consider myself glad to not get news. Save a lot of trouble." Han said.

"True, but you can't run from your problems Solo." Maz was turning out to be quite the wise old creature after all.

Han sighed, "I didn't mean it like that. Besides Maz, I'd never run from my problems." As soon a those words came out of his mouth Chewbacca grunted something in Shyriiwook. "Shut up fuzzball."

Took all day to write this chapter! Over 1k words (A LOT)! Now I'm going to go a new episode of one of my favortie TV show! Next chapter on Wednesday!


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