Chapter 11: The General's The Thing...

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A cold planet covered in ice. Construction. Weapons. Generals. And...stormtroopers?! They were marching back and forth in formation. As if they were being watched. And of course, they were. A General with red hair was watching their every move. His name? General Hux Sr. The man was very military esc. Always standing up straight, always proper, always harsh, always in charge and most of all: always thinking ahead. When he was doing his work that day a young boy was watching by his heels in awe of everything his father did. The kid was about 5 years old, and his mother had died before he even got the chance to know her. Leaving General Hux Sr. the only family he had left. The boy admired his father's work so much that he wished to be just like him when he was older. A high ranking General always bossing people around and working for the big man on the hologram. All very fascinating to young eyes. The General knew he couldn't have his son, Hux, with him at work. But who else was there to watch him? There was no choice.

"DISMISSED!" The General called out to his training troopers in his strong accent. They filed into a single line and marched out of the arena.

"General, a ship has been spotted on our Rader. What would you like us to do?" A commander asked as soon as the General and his son walked into the main control room.

"Let me see this ship." The General looked at the Rader. Indeed. It was a rebel X-Wing. "Fire at will." The General said calmly, unknown to the little eyes watching his every move.

"Fire!" The commander yelled across the room to some men in front of some kind of weapon system.

Luke sensed the trouble a millisecond before it all started. He rushed to get out of there. "Artoo! Give Han a message to send reinforcements out here! And give our coordinates to!" Luke shouted as he tried to fight off the battle ships that were firing at full will on his poor little X-Wing.

Artoo did what he was told and about 5 minutes later a good 20 rebel ships (plus the Falcon) were helping Luke fight off these enemy ships. Luke hooked his comm link up with the rest of the ships. "Thanks for the help Han,"

"No problem kid. How do you manage to find yourself in trouble like this?" Han said as he and Chewie fought off what looked like the last of the fleet.

"I have no idea." Luke sighed over the comm. "You got company to the left Gold leader!" Luke shouted to Han as another wind came up next to the Falcon.

"Great. Just when I thought the day couldn't go any better." Han joked sarcastically as he and Chewie tried to take down the fleet of ships attacking them.

"Looks like we all have company kid." Solo sighed and got to work as a decoy, leading the fleet away from the others so they could take them down from their blind spots.

It was all a big blur of red lasers and green lasers and star ships. The fight was going on for a long time. Finally, thanks to Han's decoy trick, the rebels had the upper hand now. Luke and Wedge both aimed at a cluster of ships and fired, causing a huge explosion.

"Boo-yah!" Wedge exclaimed over the comm.

"More ships to the south." A rebel fighter said.

Two ships were on either side of Luke. He had to act fast. Suddenly a idea came to mind. It was a close call but somehow Luke managed to move out of the way just in time for them to shoot and blow each other up.

Soon after, all of the ships were gone. "Nice work!" Wedge said over the comm.

"You to." Luke said, remembering not to get too cocky.

Han smirked, and looked over to the others. "Well, shall we head back to D'Qar now? That seems to be the last of them."

"Looks like it. Yeah, let's go everyone. Great work." Luke said as he was the first to head in for the planet. Followed by the Falcon and about 20 others. When they landed Luke was surprised to see Leia come out of the Falcon. "Leia?! Why were you there? That was to dangerous for you." Luke gave Han a scolding look.

"I was fine! Stop worrying so much!" Leia said to Luke.

"And Han? You were ok with this?" Luke asked the Coreiallian smuggler.

"Nah, of course I wasn't. But do you know how hard it is to get this woman to do what you want?" Han pointed to Leia.

"Yeah, I do." Luke looked at his twin and rolled his eyes. "What if you got had gotten hurt?"

"I didn't! Besides, no harm done." Leia finished with a smile.

"Yeah, 'no harm done'. You are lucky the ship didn't explode or get shot down." Luke didn't like the fact of his sister going on those kinds of things now that she was pregnant.

"Luke's got a point sweetheart. You can't come along on all of these joy rides much longer. At least until the baby's born." Han said 'joy rides' with sarcasm because they were defiantly NOT joy rides.

"Fine. Whatever you two say." Leia rolled her eyes. "But you can't stop me from doing what I want."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Han chuckled.


"They shot down everyone of our ships General!" A man shouted from the ship hanger.

The General gave a stern look. "Did they get away?"

"Y-yes sir." The man stuttered his words.

General Hux Sr. Looked infuriated. "Very well. Inform the Supreme Leader."

"Yes sir." With that the man walked away.

"What happened?" The young boy looked up at his father in awe.

"The bad people got away." The General told his son.

"I'm sorry." He gave his father's legs a small hug which was the first thing in a while that made the

"What are you gonna do?" The red headed boy asked.

He kneeled down to his son's size, "I'm going to stop them from getting away once and for all."

"I know you can." The boy said as the General smiled once again.



Yessss!!! Eeeppp! A Hux back story!!!! I added in him having a dad working in the first order (if it was called that yet without Kylo in it so far) speaking of Kylo...holy crap! I can't wait for him to come into the story!!! Yeah, it'll be at least 5 chapters before that happens.

This fan fic needed some action!

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