Chapter 20: Younglings.

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*Time line has now jumped ahead a few years, Ben Solo is 5, Poe Dameron is 12*

The future is consent, always in motion. Luke knew he would 'help Snoke more then he knows' but he didn't know how he would do that. Creating a new and slightly improved Jedi Order seemed to be the logical thing to do. Right? Luke had found around 10 children (Ben Solo, his nephew, included) that were force sensitive. Sadly, Poe wasn't one of the 10, but Han had a plan for that kid, he was teaching him how to be a pilot. Not a good pilot. A great one. While Han was hard at work with Poe, and Leia was taking on more duties as a General, it was time for Luke to pick up some slack and get working on training new Jedi.

Luke, mentally, had his green lightsaber blade drawn and ready to swing at every child that wasn't listening to his instructions. He knew kids weren't his favorite pass time, but he had thought at least one of them would pay attention to him. Instead, the majority of them played games in the grass except for one...Ben. He was sort of the 'social outcast' of the younglings. He didn't make it hard for that either, with his jet-black hair and complete shyness whenever around people he didn't like or know. Yeah, Ben Solo was a typical 5 year old for sure.

"Hey! I want you all sitting on this spot here." Luke yelled over the excessive noise the children were making.

"Yes Master Luke." The kids said almost in unison, they were a little off.

"Okay, now before we start training for the first time, who can tell me the correct way to hold your lightsaber?" Luke asked the question even though it wasn't needed.

Ben raised his hand and Luke called on him. "You hold it at the bottom part so that you don't burn your hand off and need a stupid fake one like yours." Yep, Han's sarcasm shown bright through that kid alright.

"Uh, y-yes. But fake hands aren't always stupid." Luke defended his hand.

"Yeah they are." Ben protested.

"Are not." Luke's childish side poked through.

"ARE TO!" Ben almost screamed loud enough for dead people to hear him.

"Okay, okay, they are." Luke quickly agreed and continued teaching. "Now, take out your lightsabers AND BE CAREFUL!"

The kids did as they were told. Almost all of them did it without hurting them-self to. The one who did get hurt wasn't even from the saber, he had tripped on a jacket that was carelessly left on the ground by Han earlier.

"Okay, show me some moves." Luke took a step back for safety. The kids did some basic swings and two of them broke out into a very small and short fight that ended with both kids on the ground. Luke sighed. This was going to take some work. Ben caught Luke's eye, he was in the back of the group and Luke had been more focused on the front. Ben had much more potential then the rest of these kids. Luke knew it and so did Ben himself.

"Keep trying guys. No one gets it the first time." Luke assured the others as he made his way to Ben. "Watch your foot." Luke said as Ben swung the blue lightsaber in a spiral. He was doing great for a five year old.

"I know." Was all he replied with.

"Knowing and doing are two different things." Luke warned him.

"Mhmm..." Ben passed that by and continued to practice his moves.

Luke continued to teach the children until dark, they had improved a little since the start of their training. The moon started to peak and Luke walked each kid back to their homes. When everyone but Ben had gotten home safely, Luke and the 5 year old went to their home for dinner. The six of them ate in silence for a while until finally Poe broke the ice.

"I learned how to fly a modified X-Wing today."

"That's great!" Leia said, then noticed Ben picking at his food slowly. "How was your day?" She looked at Ben, causing him to perk his head up.

"Okay I guess..."

"Okay as in...?"

Luke answered since Ben wasn't going to. "It was good. He thinks fake hands are stupid..." Luke playfully rolled his eyes.

"Ah. Ben, do you know why Luke has a fake hand?" Leia asked.

"No. He just does. And it's dumb." Ben poked at the piece of food on his plate and then ate it.

"Alright then. No need to get into that story." Luke grumbled under his breath and took a bite of...whatever that was...

"Hey! I wanna hear the story!" Poe had over heard Luke and instantly perked up.

"Uh, maybe later." Brushing away the thought of explaining that to a 12 year old, Luke went back to eating.

"Aw! I wanted to hear the story..." Poe sat back down in his chair.

"Hey kid, he wants to hear the story." Han wanted to see this play out.

"Hey Han, mind telling everyone about that time you didn't pay off Jabba? Oh, wait a second, you don't like to talk about that! My bad." Luke snapped back to Han with a smirk on his face.

Han let out a small laugh. "Keep laughing kid, one day I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face with style."

"Mmhmm, sure you will."

"Watch me."

"I'm done with dinner. Can I go to my room now?" Poe asked no one in general.

"Yeah sure. Ben you can go to, your not gonna eat much anyway." Han said pointing at his son's full plate.

Ben and Poe darted out of the room, leaving just Han, Luke, Leia and Chewie to talk. Or Wookiee speak.


AHHH!!!! Ok so, I was busy for a while and I didn't update! But I was writing I just didn't finish it until now. I do need some advice though, I want to hurry this book along to skip boring, everyday kind of crap they would be doing. So I need you guys to vote on the number of years I should skip in the next chapter or one after that, here's the choices:

Choice 1: Skip 2 years. Making Poe 14 and Ben 7.

Choice 2: Skip 3 years. Making Poe 15 and Ben 8.

Choice 3: Skip 4 years. Making Poe 16 and Ben 9.

Choice 4: Skip 5 years. Making Poe 17 and Ben 10.

Vote what one in the comments!


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