Chapter 14: O' Little Child.

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General Hux Sr. Obeyed Snoke's wishes and ordered an attack on D'Qar. Stormtroopers filled up into ships that would take them to the Resistances base so they could take them down in a surprise attack.

A commander came up to General Hux. "The ships are loaded sir. We are ready for takeoff."

"Well good. Send down the first wind. Then the second, then the third and so forth." Hux Sr. Told the commander.

"Sir yes sir!" The commander said and the first fleet of ships filled to the brim with troopers took off for D'Qar.


*Parts Of This Scene Are PG-13*

Nine months. That's how long Leia had been expecting. They still had no names picked out, even though the baby was due any minute now. Despite Han's wishes, Leia worked as a General still. She had said (and I quote), 'Just because there's more of me doesn't mean I can't work laser brain!' She did have a point. Leia was working on something for the Resistance when, out of the blue, her water broke.

"You have got to be kidding me?! Now?!" Leia looked down at her belly. "Fine." She gave Han a call on his comm telling him what had happened.

Not even five minutes later Han rushed into the room. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine." Leia said sarcastically.

"I'll get a medic. You stay here." Han went and got a medical droid and turned it on.

The droid started up. "Hello, what seems to be the problem?"

"Well-" Han started off but got interrupted by a groan from Leia.

The droid looked over and knew why he had been started up. "I see. Let's get started then shall we?"

Han helped Leia move over onto a bed. Leia winced at a contraction. "Oh dear, it seems this child is coming now." The droid said.

"Great..." Leia said as another contraction hit her hard. Han held her hand and stroked it gently.

The droid quickly got to work. "Ok...push." Han said, trying to not faint from how hard Leia was clenching at his hand.

A scream escaped the princess as she pushed as hard as she could.

"Your doing great sweetheart. Get ready to push again." Han's hand was now purple.

Leia let out another scream and it was halfway over. "Almost there. Few more pushes." Han reassured his wife.

Leia pushed as hard as she could. Then, a little cry let out and the pain stopped. She let out a huge sigh of relief. The droid wrapped the baby in a blanket and handed it to Han.

"It's a boy." He said and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead.

"Ben." Leia said, wiping the sweat off her face.

"What?" Han asked blankly.

"Ben Solo. That's what we'll name him. After Ben Kenobi." Leia smiled.

"Ben...I like it." Han smiled back and handed their baby, Ben, to Leia. He was perfect in every way.

Leia gave him a small kiss on his little black hair that covered his head. And just then, when everything was perfect, someone outside shouted "We're under attack!!"

Han and Leia exchanged glances. "Perfect. I'll handle this, you stay here." Han said and grabbed his blaster as he went out the door.

Leia wanted to go and fight but she couldn't just leave the baby, er, Ben, here all alone. "I hope Luke's alright..." She sighed.

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