Chapter 24: Trouble In Paradise.

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The First Order TIE Fighters took off in a hurry, following behind Supreme Leader Snoke's custom star ship. It was a race against time, they had to get to D'Qar right at sundown, or risk getting caught or seen by the Resistance. Snoke had thought about this day for many years now, but never once did he assume that it would really come, at least so soon. The powerful Supreme Leader had brought with him a red cross-blade lightsaber for the youth to use if indeed his plan worked. Also with him, he brought a helmet, one that was designed for Ben Solo it resembled the design of Darth Vader's but with a few tweaks. Snoke didn't have the confirmation that his plan would indeed work, but he did have faith. Faith in Ben's pull to the dark.


Ben was sitting on a log watching the sun go down, it had been a long day of training and hard work that his uncle insisted on him doing, but deep inside Ben wanted no more then to be a powerful Jedi like Luke himself, that was obvious enough.

"Hey, you wanna come in? Your mom made dinner." Luke said as he sat down next to Ben on the log.

"No thanks. I'm good." Ben replied with a sigh.

"...okay, if you want to talk I'm here. And your dad should be back soon." Luke said.

"Yeah, where did he even go?" The curious youth asked.

"I think on a adventure with Chewie." Luke told him.

"Okay." Ben stared into the sky.

"Well, I'll be inside. You can join if you want to." Luke said and patted him on the back.

"Yeah. Thanks..." Ben poked the ground with a stick while his black hair fell over his eyes. His father was a complicated man, Ben knew he loved him, but he never quite knew how to express it. At least that's how Ben saw it. Ben got up and walked towards the woods. He wanted a change of scenery. The woods were dark and gloomy, the presence was the same. It was as if Ben had walked right into the center of the dark side. Everything was odd and weird to the youth.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Ben called out, sensing the presence of the force amongst him. No answer. He asked again, and again, and again. Still no response.

"Okay. I'll just leave then." He started back tracking until he heard a voice come from behind him.

"Stay my young apprentice. You have much to learn." Said the voice.

"Wh-who are y-you?" Ben jolted his head around, frantically searching for the source of the voice.

"I am the all power full leader of the dark side. I am Supreme Leader Snoke. I'm here to help you learn about your heritage young child." Snoke said while coming out of the darkness.

Ben looked scared out of his mind.

"A-are you going t-to hurt me? I-I'm a Jedi!" Ben warned the old man.

"No. No, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help you. I can teach you how to become a better Jedi then you could ever imagine. Better then you could ever be without the dark side." Snoke said with a grin planted on his sick face and twisted mind.

"I'd never join you. I'm loyal to the Jedi. To my family." Ben stated and backed away from him.

"Ah, yes, your family. You see, one thing your Uncle Luke didn't tell you is," Snoke got closer to the boy  "your family is the dark side. Or was to be technical."

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