Chapter 25: Cross-Roads

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Luke walked out of Ben's room right after he finished explaining it all to the boy. That was not something he had planned on re-living. Luke went down to the river and sat on the bank, poking a stick into the muddy water. He couldn't help but think how Ben was taking this, after all, the boy kind of idealized Anakin before he knew of...all that pain and suffering he caused. Luke wanted to talk to Obi-Wan more then anything right now, but he didn't, he needed to handle this himself for once in his life. Han came up behind the young man and sat down next to him.

"Nice mud. You gonna put a ring on it?" Han joked and got a laugh out of Luke.

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"I thought it was. So what are you doing out here? All alone..."

"I thought I should leave you and Leia and Ben alone to talk. That okay?"

"Well yes but, that doesn't mean become a hermit that pokes mud with a stick."

"I'm not a hermit..."

"Not yet"

"I don't think I'd ever be a hermit, Han."

"Mmhmm. Sure. Its a Jedi thing, last I checked."

"Good point. So why did you come out here?"

"To check on you, if that's okay. Leia wanted me to make sure you were alright after having to explain everything."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Why does Leia do anything?"

"Good point. You seem to be full of those."

"I always am! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Wookiee to get back to."

Han got up and walked away towards the Falcon. Luke followed him.


Ben got up from his room and walked back into those mysterious woods that he had ventured in before. That 'Snoke' man's words kept seeping back into the youths mind over and over and over again. 'No, your Grandfather is the dark side' or whatever his exact words had been. He now knew it was true. His whole life all he wanted was to be a powerful person, now, thanks to this man, he could be. He was sure that if his Grandfather did it, he could to. Why keep him from all this power if it was his destiny? That was the reasoning behind his thoughts.

Ben slipped outside without Threepio noticing and creeped back into back to the forest.

"Hello?" Ben said quietly. "Are you still here?" He asked.

"Yes. I've been waiting," Snoke said as he came out from the darkness.

"I'm...I'm...I'm going to take you up on your offer. If that's alright Sir." Ben said timidly.

Snoke grinned from ear to ear. "That's more then alright...come with me child. I can show you your true potential. You can be more powerful then Darth Vader himself."

Ben smiled and followed the man deeper into the woods where he pulled out a helmet and a lightsaber. "What's this?" Ben asked.

"Your weapon of the trade. Try it out." Snoke said as he handed it to the boy.

"Okay..." Ben ignited the saber and it revealed three bright red blades, one went straight out like a normal lightsaber would, the other two came out from the sides. "This doesn't look like a normal lightsaber... what are these for?" Ben was clearly talking about the cross blade.

"To prevent your hand getting cut off. It's common in lightsaber battles. Go on, try it out." Snoke said, Ben slashed his brand new lightsaber around in the air with ease and it took down a tree.

Star Wars: The After Mathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن