Chapter 32: Father Knows Best

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Ben sat down on the grass of a hill, hopelessly waiting for his father to return. Why did he have to go off on adventures and fight wars? Was Ben not enough for him? Apparently not, because he hardly ever stays here with him. His longest record was a month. Of course, he comes back every time, but its's just not the same. Luke always tells him that he 'should be thankful Han is his father, because some aren't as fortunate to have one', which Ben now knows to be Luke's own bitterness showing in ways he didn't realize it did before. Leia, the boy's mother, tells him all these lies about how his father 'Loves him very much, but is hard to tie down' and things like 'He wasn't made to stay in one place too long'. But of course, Ben has no reason to believe these things.

In fact, he's pretty much given up on Han completely. Snoke would never leave him like that. You know what, why isn't Snoke his father? He's a much better one than Han Solo. And he gives him what he wants, unlike Han, who doesn't even know what his own son wants in the first place. Sometimes, Ben wants to be like his grandfather, but then sometimes he wants a normal family that doesn't mess with the entire Galaxy's life. Then he goes and remembers how great and powerful Vader was, and that's what he really wants to be like. Because power is everything in this world, and without power, you're nothing.

"Hey, kid," Han snapped Ben out of his deep thoughts, and sat down next to him.

"Hi," Ben said nonchalantly.

Han starred at his son, and just knew something was wrong, because Han wasn't such a bad father after all, he said something. "Now wait a second, what's wrong?"

"Why would anything be wrong? I'm just a kid who hardly ever sees his dad. Nope," Ben popped the P, "I'm perfect."

"Ben," Han sighed, "I'm sorry about that, but I was busy. You have to understand that, right?"

"Don't give me that crap."

"Don't talk to me like that."

"I do what I want."

"No, you do not boy."

"Yes, I do!"

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!" Ben said and stormed off to the woods, leaving his father dumbfounded in the grass. Han cursed and tossed a rock in his son's general direction, which bounced back at him and hit his leg. Perfect. . .  Han thought to himself and added a few choice words along with it. He got up and walked towards his home, which he opened the door to and heard Luke and Leia talking. Being the man he was, Han stopped mid-walk and listened in, since they hadn't seen him yet,

"I don't know. . . That seems a little risky, Luke," Leia was saying to her brother as he sighed with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah, I know, but it wouldn't be like I would go right now, I have to finish training the students first. Then I would go," Luke told his sister, trying to make her let him go to wherever he was speaking of.

"But you don't even know anything about this place!" Leia whisper-shouted angrily. Luke opened his mouth to attest.

"Yes I do! I know it's the first ever Jedi Temple, and I know I could learn a lot there about the Force!" Luke smirked as he said those words, thinking his sister wouldn't be able to say anything about that.

"True, but you haven't been there before! You don't even know if anyone else lives there! For all you know, there could be bad people there!" Leia shouted back, refusing to let her brother win the argument, and potentially leave.

Han saw this as the time to bud in and right before he did, Luke sensed he was there. "Han, you can come out now, you know. I know you're there."Dang that boy and his Force sense crap, Han thought to himself and walked out.

"Hey, what's up?" Han asked the twins and Leia gave him a look.

"Luke wants to go visit the first ever Jedi Temple."


Hey, so this is here now, and I'm back! This chapter was long over-due.

Remember: Clicking the  'Vote' button helps the book get better ratings and it also lets me know if I should keep going! ;)

Also, whose relationships do you like the most in this book? It could be an OTP, or a bromance or even a funny/bickering one! 

Vote in the comments and I'll include more of it!

Ben and Poe (mostly fighting)

Han and Leia

Han and Luke (Bromance? xD)

Han and Poe

Han and Chewie

Han and Lando

Luke and Leia

Luke and Ben

Ben and Chewie

Ben and Life in General

Or if there's one I didn't say, comment what it is!

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