Chapter 19: Homecoming.

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Hyperspace, stars, planets and ships as far as the eye could see. Luke was heading for D'Qar to go tell Han, Leia and Poe what he had found out on Naboo. He did not want to tell Poe that his entire family wasn't alive anymore, but he had no choice.

"Artoo, let's call Leia on the comm before we head in for D'Qar." Luke said, reaching for the comm link.

"Hello Master Luke, this is C3-P0, you may not have recognized my voice because of being over the comm link-" a talkative protocol droid said over the comm.

"Threepio, can I talk to Leia?" Luke cut him off.

"Oh, of course. Princess Leia, Master Luke would like to speak with you." Threepio said.

"Thank you Threepio. Hey, why'd you call?" Leia asked her brother.

"We're about to land on D'Qar." Luke told Leia.

"Alright. Any luck?" Leia could tell Luke was a little upset by his tone.

Luke sighed. "No. No luck. Sadly, Poe's father died a while back..." Luke was thinking about his own father in that moment.

"Oh..." Leia had not only lost one father, but two.

"We should be landing soon." Luke said as he shifted towards the planet, "I've got to let you go Leia. We're coming in now."

"Alright, I had Han get a landing platform cleared for you."

"Aw, you really do care 'bout me!" Luke teased, getting a laugh from Leia as she shut off the comm.

Luke turned the X-Wing into the planets atmosphere and landed it a few short moments afterwards. Luke and Artoo climbed out to find Han sitting on a log near the landing post.

Luke walked over to him. "Hey, thanks for giving me a spot to land."

"No problem kid." Han said with a smug smile on his face.

Luke paused for a moment. "Where's Poe?"

"Inside with Leia. No luck?" Han pointed to the house.

"No..." Luke said slowly and then started walking towards the house. He opened the door and saw Leia, Poe, Chewbacca and baby Ben all playing some kind of board game (but Ben wasn't really playing of course), as Threepio worriedly talked over them.

Leia saw Luke walk in, she sighed and mouthed a few words to him about how to tell Poe. He mouthed back a 'I don't know'. "Hey Poe, can you follow me into the other room?" Luke said.

"Sure." Poe followed him and Leia felt sorry for what he was about to hear.

"Sit down." Luke told Poe as he closed the door to the room for privacy.

Poe sat down an Luke started to tell him what he found on his trip.


"Blasters up!" General Hux Sr. Commanded the troopers he was teaching. All 900 of them held their Blasters up to get ready to shoot. These troopers were real people (or creatures even) who had been raised to do one thing. But really, what do they have to fight for? Snoke had ordered the General to get these new troopers to be able to shoot on target, unlike the Empire's failed attempt at that. "And...FIRE!" The General yelled loudly.

The First Order stormtroopers shot at the targets they had been using for practice. They all made a perfect Bulls-eye.

"DISMISSED!" The General yelled and the stormtroopers fell into a single file line and walked out of the training arena.


Luke and Poe came out of the room. It looked like Poe took the news that his family was dead...ok. Luke gave Leia the look that told her he told Poe. Leia nodded slightly. "Hey Luke, can I talk to you for a minute?" Leia asked.

"Yeah sure," Luke said and Leia came over to him.

She said in a low whisper, "so what are we gonna do with Poe now?"

Luke whispered back, "I guess watch him until he's old enough to take care of himself. We don't have much of a choice, do we? Plus, this kid could be a huge help to the Resistance some day."

"Yeah I guess so. I hope you have a plan on how we're going to do that." Leia whispered before walking back to where Chewie and Ben were.

Little tiny baby Ben wasn't that tiny any more. He was about 6 months old and he could sit up on his own by now. Leia picked him up and sat him next to Han and Chewie because they were all asleep. Then Poe fell asleep and Luke and Leia were the only ones awake. They went out into the kitchen and Luke decided he would ask Leia the question he didn't know the answer to.

"When Ben is old enough, would you want him to get trained as a Jedi?" Luke didn't know if Leia would say yes or no or just give him 'the look'.

"I haven't thought about that. Maybe, maybe not. Besides, we don't even know if he has the force." Leia answered.

"Leia, he's got the force. There's no way he doesn't have it." Luke reminded his sister that their whole family has/had the force.

Leia just rolled her eyes. "Yeah...right. Well, I'll think about it."

Luke could sense that she didn't know the answer to that yet, so he didn't push it. "Ok. Make sure to let me know when you and Han decide. I'm going to bed now. Night." Luke walked to his room and went to sleep.

Leia went to get Ben and put him in his crib. Then, she went to bed to. Han and Chewie had fallen asleep on the sofa earlier.


Sorry I didn't put a new chapter out since Thursday. Like I said, I got a shot Friday so I didn't put a new one out then. I didn't upload a chapter Saturday because our family went to Cabalas (anyone have those near them but me?) and we didn't even end up buying anything. And then today, we had church in the morning and our youth group got lunch (PIZZA!) and sang some songs to a rest home for old people after church was over (that was really fun to do!).

So that's my long accuse as to why I didn't put a new chapter out! Thanks for reading it!


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