Chapter 15: Jedi Scum.

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"Once a threat, always a threat." Snoke said looking at a hologram of D'Qar, where Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa and now: Ben Solo, where at. Snoke knew that Luke would soon have a army of Jedi Scum, mostly younglings, but still. He was just hoping that his soon-to-be-apprentice would live up to his grandfathers legacy. If he didn't, how would Snoke ever be the ruler and dictator of the Galaxy? He had to wait until the time was right, until Luke had already trained the boy to be a strong Jedi before he could corrupt him to the Dark Side of the Force. Making that happen would not be an easy task. As Snoke knew, the boy might have had the Dark Side in him- but he also had the Light. To much for his own good. Snoke also knew that the longer he was with the Resistance the harder making him turn to his side would be. So, he moved his plan up to 10 years of waiting for Ben to get old enough, instead of 15 years.


Luke sat on the rolling hills of D'Qar, watching the Resistance fighters and pilots work busily doing their jobs. Luke sighed at the thought of Snoke's words popping back into his mind 'You'll help me more then you know', ugh. Luke despised Snoke so much he groaned at the thought of him and rolled his eyes at the mention of his name. Luke laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky. "Why do people keep being evil?" He mumbled as he starred at the clouds.

"I dunno kid. You got an idea why?"  Han said, as he sat next to him making Luke jump out of his skin because he wasn't there a second ago.

"Relax, it's just me. Not a Rathtar." Han joked as Luke let out a small smile.

"Shouldn't you be with Leia?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but she's fine. Shouldn't you be working instead of day-dreaming?" Han snapped back with extra sarcasm.

Luke chuckled. "Oh ha-ha so funny. And I'm not day-dreaming, I'm thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Han laid back to match Luke on the hill and looked at the sky the same way Luke was.

"Snoke." Luke said with a weary tone.

"Snoke? What are you thinking about that delusional old sack of wrinkles for?" Han asked.

"I just can't seem to get him out of my mind... I mean, he gets on my nerves." Luke started picking at the grass on the hill.

"He gets on just about everyone's nerves kid. The trick is, you have to learn how to turn the tables. Make you the one who gets on his nerves. That's what I did with Jabba." Han said.

Luke let out a laugh at Han's comment. "Oh yeah, and we all know just how well that turned out. You got frozen in carbonite!"

"Ok, ok! Not my best tactic..." The memories of carbonite came back to him.

"Ya think?" Luke snapped back.

Han let out a laugh. "Yeah, yeah. So, what are you gonna do about this Snoke character?"

"I'm not sure...whatever it is I'm gonna make sure I finish it." Luke said determinedly.

"Well good luck with that." Han said as the same little kid from before came up to them.

"Can I fly that ship again please?" He asked Han.

Luke gave Han a confused look. "Luke, this is Poe Dameron. Poe, this is Luke."

"Hi Poe. Where's your parents?" Luke asked the kid.

"I, uh, don't have any..." Poe said looking down at the ground.

Luke felt a lump of sympathy come over him. He felt bad for the boy, since he could relate to him in a way or two. Luke looked at Han, who just shrugged to say he didn't know. "I'll tell you what kid. How about you stay with me for a little while, until we can find you a real home, ok?" Luke said.

"Really?! Cool!" Poe looked excited.

Han laughed at the thought of Luke watching a 7 year old, when he can't even watch himself. But he understood why Luke was doing it. Luke felt bad for the boy because he had grown up the same way; without a family (well he had his aunt and uncle but they were just his step family).



I hope you liked it!!! I made the part at the end happen because in The Force Awakens Poe is the one who gets the map to Luke Skywalker and goes though all the trouble to keep it safe. So I figured I would make a back story on why he cared so much!

Luke is gonna be like a really close friend to Poe.


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