Chapter 13: A Plan In Action.

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By now it had been 7 months since Snoke's plan had begun its first steps...and soon something (or someone) would also be taking first steps. That would lead to the grand finale of his Order. He would be in complete control of the universe, no Luke Skywalker to stop him, no Leia Organa to get in his way, and, most of all, no Han Solo to push his student back to the light. Snoke sat there for a moment taking in all that was glorious. Until...someone came in on a hologram message.

"Supreme Leader Snoke, more then half of our resources have been destroyed by Luke Skywalker and his rebel scum he calls friends." The General said over a hologram.

"WHAT?! And you just sat back and let it happen?!" He shouted in rage at the General.

Hux Sr. folded his hands behind his back. "Well there was nothing much I could do. All due respect Supreme Leader, I'm the one calling the shots over here. Not you."

Snoke wasn't one to get into tantrums much, but this just made him go ballistic. "And to think I made you the highest in charge of Star Killer...I should have entrusted my base with a more...suited power... Ah well, I guess this is what I get for rushing my plan before I have my leader of the Knights Of Ren."

"But my Lord I am a powerful General, am I not?"

"That you are."

"I give you my word, I will not rest until these rebels are gone forever. Even if I die in the process." The General said, his head held high.

"Very well, get back to work General, I want more ships made so we are better prepared next time around." And with that Snoke shut off the hologram. How could he wait 15 years to get his hands on his new student?! He needed this to go faster. No, he wanted this to go faster. 'Don't rush things' he told himself. 15 years couldn't be that long of a wait, could it?


Luke had been drawing up a battle plan now that they knew of this new threat to the Galaxy. He figured he would train a bunch of new Jedi younglings to revive the Jedi order and take down the...whatever those people called themselves. Han was also hard at work, he was giving pilot lessons to people who needed them. People who wanted to help them fight. Leia had put together a group of Generals (including herself) that were going to be in charge of everything that happened, basically they had to give the final ok. This group of fighters willing to take down the...again, did they even have a name? Luke decided their side would go by the name 'The Resistance'. Pretty good name considering Luke came up with it in his sleep.

"This lever fires your weapons, and this one lands it. It's important you don't get them confused." Han was giving some people instructions on how to pilot. "Now, who wants to give it a go?"

A boy, about 7, raised his hand. "Aren't you a little young to fly a ship kiddo?" Han looked at the boy.

"I can do it! Please let me try?" The boy pleaded.

"I don't know...piloting is harder then it looks...what's your name kid?" Han asked.

"My name is Poe and it's my dream to fly a ship! Please, please, please let me!" The boy pleaded harder then before.

Han couldn't resist those cute little puppy dog eyes. "Fine. One time! And if you crash, don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Thank you! Thank you!! I promise I won't crash!" Little Poe climbed into the pilots seat.

"You know how to fly one of these?" Han asked the child.

"Yep." Poe answered back.

"Ok. Good luck kiddo." Han sighed and Poe took off into the air. Racing at almost light speed, he was careful to stay within the planets atmosphere. He was, surprisingly, a good pilot! For his age at least. A few minutes later he landed it, not crashed, right where he had started.

"See? Not one dent." Young Poe said as he climbed out f the small X-Wing.

"Where did you learn to fly like that kid?" Han looked amazed.

"I don't know." Poe shrugged. "I guess it just came to me."

Han believed that with some training, this kid could be the best pilot in the Galaxy! "You got potential, I'll give you that."

"Po-ten-tial? What that mean?" Poe looked at Han in wonder.

Han laughed. "It means, I have my work cut out for me."

"Oh." Poe smiled.

Han liked this kid. And for Han to like a kid, boy, that had to mean something. "Alright, anyone else want a turn?"

Not one person raised their hand. "Aren't you all daring today." Han said with a hint of sarcasm. Just then Chewie came over and joined Han in training the men (and women, but mostly men)


"The First Order." Snoke said over a hologram to Hux Sr.

"Excuse me?" He had no idea what Snoke was talking about.

"The name for our side of this...war. The First Order." Snoke replied.

"Don't get me wrong my Lord, but isn't that a little...cliche?" The General said to Snoke who was on a hologram that made him look over 25 feet tall.

"Cliche? Oh no, it's perfect. Just perfect." Snoke said, his hand resting on the chairs arms.

The General knew not to upset Snoke. "Very well. We have made the ships just as you asked. What next?"

"Good. Good. Now use them for a attack on the Resistance." Snoke said without stuttering his words.

"An attack?! You must be out of your mind! There's no way we will succeed!" Cried the General.

"This time we are prepared." Snoke's hologram cut out.

The General sighed, how could he want them to make an attack this early on the plan? Was he crazy! None the less the General knew he had to obey his Lord's wishes. No matter the cost. Or he would for sure be a dead man walking.


1k words! Phew!

This chapter was HARD TO WRITE. But, I am going to write the attack this afternoon probably around 5:00 eastern time.

Special thanks to: wicalpickle  for making the new cover art for the fan fic! I love it so much!!! Thank you again!

Go follow her if you haven't yet she's awesome!!!

And if your reading this as soon as it came out...Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️💛💚💙💜💗💖💘💝

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