Chapter 9: When In Courasant...

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Luke was tossing and turning all night long. He couldn't sleep again. He was about to give up trying to sleep when he heard Yoda's voice say...'charm you found on Courasant, important it is. Go to Courasant you will. Find out where it comes from you must.' Luke had almost forgotten all about the strange charm he found about a year ago on Courasant. He figured that if Master Yoda thought the charm was important; it probably was. 'Guide you to a wise one the force will. Show you, your history will the charm' Luke got up from bed putting a robe on over his pjs, he looked through his stuff until he found the charm. It looked vaguely...familiar to him. As if he had seen it before. Luke decided he would leave the next day for this sudden mission to Courasant. And he tried to sleep the most he could that night.

Early the next day Luke was all ready to go.

"Be safe...please be safe." Leia whispered into her brothers ear as he hugged her tightly.

"I will." Luke assured her.

"Best of luck kid." Han gave Luke a slight glance that said 'I hope you know what your doing'.

Luke smiled. "Thanks. And good luck with...well I'm sure you'll need it for something." Luke winked as he an Artoo climbed into his X-Wing.

Han, Leia, Chewbacca and Threepio all watched as he took off, headed for Courasant. Leia had a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm sure Luke will be fine." Han didn't even believe his own words. Luke couldn't even take care of himself much less Artoo.

"I know...I just hate it when he goes off like that..." Leia sighed, looking into the sky at the tiny speck that was now Luke's ship.

"Hey, you alright?" Han was now constantly concerned about Leia (and the baby) whenever she was upset or worried.

"I'm fine, why do you always ask that?" Leia raised an eyebrow at her husband.

"Cause it's my job." Han said, sarcasm shooting out of his words the way the always did.

"Alright," Leia rolled her eyes at Han, just then she felt a slight movement inside of her. She almost threw up.

"Still ok?" Han joked as Leia held onto his arm. She was clearly not ok.

Leia let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "I think so...I'm just not used to that feeling yet..."

"Listen here princess, your gonna lay down on the bed when we get inside and your gonna rest. Understand?" Han said knowing just how stubborn Leia can be.

"Whatever. You can't make me rest forever." Leia sarcastically replied with.


As Luke's X-Wing landed on Courasant he stepped out to go find a place where someone would know what the charm was.

He saw a shop that seemed to fit the bill. Luke walked over to the creature with multiple arms. Hoping he would speak Galactic Basic Luke started to talk. "I'm looking for information on a certain charm. Can you help me?"

"Depends, you talkin' money?" The creature asked.

"Possibly." Luke was careful with his words.

The creature noticed the lightsaber on Luke's belt. "Your a Jedi?"

"Yes. I am." Luke nodded in pride.

"Did you ever know a...Kenobi?" The multiple armed creature asked.

"Yes. I did know a Kenobi." Luke wondered why a simple shop keeper was asking all this.

"A friend of Obi-Wan's is a friend of mine!" The creature exclaimed. "I'm Dex. What's your name?"

"Luke Skywalker. I'm here" Luke and Dex shook hand(s).

"Well, forget all about the money! What can I do for you Luke?" Dex asked.

"I need some information on a wooden charm." Luke said as he pulled it out from his pocket and showed it to Dex.

"Alrighty then, let's see," Dex looked at the charm. "Hmm... It looks like it was made from A Japor Snippet a while back. Beautiful work. Although, the cuts are a little off it does seem to be made by a child." Dex gave Luke a start.

"A kid made this? Doubt it. The works to good to be made by a child." Luke wasn't sure if Dex had this one right...a child?!

"Don't doubt me boy...I know things you don' said your name was Skywalker right?"

"Well, I don't see what that has to do with anything, but yes it is." Luke bit his lip.

"I see. And just how did this charm come into your possession?" Dex asked.

"I found it laying on the ground one day and I thought I would keep it. Why?" Luke shrugged.

"Long story, but as for your charm, I can concur it came from Tatoinne. If you don't mind the sand." Dex joked.

"That dust hole?! Great..." Luke murmured to himself.

"I hope that helped you Luke." Dex said handing Luke back the charm.

"It did thanks." Luke started to walk away but then came back for one more question. "Wait, you said you knew Obi-Wan?"

"I sure did! Best man in the whole galaxy!" Dex exclaimed.

"I can't argue with that!" Luke said and thanked Dex again then darted off to his X-Wing.


So?! I brought Dex back in for a scene! This was probably his only scene though sadly...

Well it's currently 3:15 am on Friday night (Saturday morning I guess) and I was writing all night long. So I hope you enjoy it. If there's any spelling errors towards the end it's because I was so tried. 😴

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