Chapter 27: Castle

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As soon as the Millennium Falcon landed on the green planet Luke started looking around, trying to figure out where they were. All around them was green, trees, water and more. The fact that Han looked as if he knew this place was even more nerve-raking to the young man. Off in the distance was what seemed to be a castle-like building, and Han and Chewie had started walking towards it. Luke had no choice but to follow his friends. But if Han trusted this place, why couldn't Luke, right?

"What is this place, Han?" Luke trailed behind them.

"It belongs to a friend." Han replied and kept his pace to the building.

As they neared the entrance, the music was getting louder. Han placed his hand on the knob and turned it so that the door opened with a slight creak. The music was loud for a spilt mili-second, then as soon as it had started, it stopped.

"Han Solo!" Maz Kanata's voice echoed through the walls and all the eyes were on Han.

"Hi Maz." He casually waved and started walking to her. Luke still having zero idea what's going on, since no one explained anything to him yet.

"Back so soon, Solo?" Maz asked as soon as the four of them were sitting at a table.

"Yeah," Han said. "We got reasons."

"What kind of 'reasons'?" She asked.

"Well, for starters, Chewbacca here sent our ship off into space." Han scowled as he gave Chewie a disapproving look. "Oh, I guess I should introduce you two. Luke, this is Maz, Maz, this is Luke." Luke and Maz shook hands and he still didn't quite know what to think of the creature yet. Han seemed to know her though.

"What can I help you with, Solo?" Maz asked Han with a smirk.

"Fuel would be nice. Falcon's almost out and I we wanna get home, we're gonna need more." Han replied with a nod to the ship waiting outside the castle doors.

"I'll be back with some fuel then." Maz smiled and got up from her seat to go to the back room.

As soon as she was out of sight, Luke started talking. "Who was that?" He asked.

"A friend of mine and Chewie's. You can trust her, it's fine kid." Han told his friend. Luke nodded, though still unsure. A million thoughts were going through his mind at the moment, the most important one being; How did Han know this creature?

Maz came out of the back room with a tank of fuel in her hands. "Here you go." She handed it to Han and he thanked her. "Have a safe trip back."

"We will. See ya soon," Han said and then they headed back for the ship that was waiting for them. They opened the doors and the a slight breeze caught them off guard. The trek back to the Falcon wasn't long, but carrying the tank of fuel made it harder. A few minutes after, they were ready to get back to D'Qar.


I'm sorry for the small chapter and late update! I do have an excuse though! Okay, so I had to study for this test I'm going to be taking (PSSAs) so that took up all of my week last week, then, I got a bad sore throat starting on Friday, and that turned into a cold that I still have, on top of it all, the test I had to study for I'm taking tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday WHILE STILL SICK! Ugh. I know I'm probably going to lose readers because of the tiny update and how late I put it up, but I was sick and studying and if you don't believe that, I didn't go to church this morning because I didn't feel good.

Sorry again.


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