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Okay. So I'm having a really bad writers block. Come up with ideas to help me bc I want to stop writing shit chapters. Stay cloudy and may the force be with you.
-Alexandrea Cassells💙
Kylo's POV

"I told her sir," the trooper I sent to talk to Victoria said.

"And?" I questioned.

"She's not to happy. She might not be in a stabilized state right now, but she will get better," he said.

"Okay. Go on now. Have two men outside the bedroom door, changing shifts every 6 hours," I commanded and he nodded. Walking away I felt guilt. Guilt for leaving my wife and daughter.

"She's awake," a trooper said while pointing to a cell.

Victoria's POV

This is bull shit. I can't believe he won't come here for a hour just to see his family. I know he is busy but he can find time out of his goddamn schedule to come and see us.

Powerful *Possessive sequel*Where stories live. Discover now