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I laid on the floor with my hand on my stomach. I'm currently 5 months pregnant and haven't talked to Kylo since our last argument, which was about two months ago. I see him in the infirmary when I go to visit Ashton, but we don't say a word to each other.

Like i said. I am not him wife. I just happen to be pregnant with his child. Again.

"Hi mommy," Ashton smiled. I looked at my pale daughter. She looked tired and weak. My heart broke as I stepped closer. Bags under her big brown eyes.

"Hey sweet heart," I said while grabbing a hold of her hand. You can clearly see her veins, and her ribs sticking out. What ever they are doing to her, it's making her worse.

They're slowly killing my daughter.

"Can I feel the baby?" She questioned. I stood up and placed her hand on my stomach. She started to giggle as the baby started to kick.

"Am I a big sister?" She questioned. I nodded.

"Hey Ashton," Kylo said from behind me.

"Sweet heart, mommy has to go okay?" I said and she nodded.

"Victoria can we talk?" Kylo questioned. I ignored him and continued to walk away.

"Victoria. Don't start this again," he said. I pulled him out in the hall and smacked him.

"Don't you fucking start you dick. Don't you see what ever they are doing to Ashton is making her worse? You're so fucking stupid. I want to go back to the resistance so she can get actual help! And if you don't let us go! It will be YOUR fault that OUR daughter died! Understand?" I said before i started to walk again.

"Victoria stop," Kylo commanded. I stopped and looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not going back. You will stay here. Ashton will go by herself," he said.

"Kylo she can't be alone," I said.

"She won't be. She will have her grandmother," he said. I walked back into Ashton's room.

"Hey sweet heart. You're going to go visit grandma for awhile, she's going to help you okay? Mommy can't go, I have to stay here," I said.

"What about daddy?" She asked.

"He has to stay too," I said as I felt the tears slide down my cheeks.

"I love you,"I said as I placed a kiss on her forehead.

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