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"Mommy where's daddy?" Ashton questioned. I paced back and forth in the room, wondering what Kylo meant.

I'll see you soon

What did he mean by that? I slept for an hour and heard him talking to me.

Victoria don't worry. I will be home.

Send a dozen troopers back here immediately.

I did as I was told and sent the dozen troopers. Now I'm waiting. I keep my distance from them, because the Indecent that happened a while back.

"Mommy!" Ashton said. I turned around to look at her.

"He will be back soon," I said and she nodded. I put her coat on along with Jupiter's and we went outside to play in the snow.

"Mrs. Ren," Hux said from behind me. I took my hood off and stood up to face him.

"Yes general?" I questioned.

"I was told to watch over you," he said. I nodded and went back to building a snow man with the children.

"Olaf!" Ashton giggled.

"That's his name?" I questioned. And she quickly nodded with a cheeky smile.

"Olaf!" She giggled. I giggled with her. Hux took Jupiter from my arms so I can help Ashton a little better.

"Would you like me to take him inside so he won't get ill?" Hux questioned.

"Please," I said and he smiled walking back to the base. Ashton then hit me in the face with a snowball. I smirked and threw one back at her.

"Mommy. I'm cold," Ashton shivered. I took her hand and walked back inside with her. She yawned and I walked her to her bedroom and laid her down for a nap.

"here you go," Hux said while handing me Jupiter as I walked into my room.

"Thank you," I said.

"You know he's not going to give up. Right?" He questioned.

"I know. It's Kylo we're talking about. He isn't the one to give up," I said.

"He will be back," Hux added.

"Mmhmm," I said then yawned.

"I'll let you get some rest. Goodnight Victoria," he said and left the room.


Victoria wake up.

Get up.

Gather the children.

I will be back soon.

I'm almost there.

Victoria wake up. The baby is crying.

My eyes shot open and I fed Jupiter his bottle causing him to go back to sleep. I got myself dressed and carried Jupiter to Ashton's room. Where I then commanded a trooper to carefully pick her up and carry her to my room.

As we walked in Kylo was sitting on the bed. I smiled and he stood up and walked over to me.

"Where's the troopers?" I whispered.

"Two of them are alive," he whispered.

"You mean to tell me that ten of them were killed?" I asked.

"They knew that this was a suicide mission," he said. I nodded.

"Why did you have me gather the children?" I asked.

"Because we're leaving again. It's not safe. We have a couple ours before they get here. That gives us time to leave," Kylo said. I nodded and he started to pack our belonging once agin.

I know that no matter where we are, it is temporary. We will always run until we bring them down.

"Daddy!" Ashton squealed.

"Hello princess," Kylo said.

"I missed you!" She giggled.

"I missed you too," he smiled.

"Mommy and I made a snow man. I named him Olaf!" She said.

"Oh really? Did you have fun?"

"Mmhmm!" She said. He kissed her forehead and stood up.

"I love you," he said to me and pecked my lips.

"I love you too," I smiled.

Hey guys how's the book. Oh the baby in the photo is my baby brother Urijah. He is Jupiter in this book so... Yeah. Stay cloudy and may the force be with you!
-Alexandrea Cassells💙

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