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"You're pregnant?" Kylo questioned. I quickly nodded and got up from my seat.

"Please excuse me," I said as I rushed out of the ball room.

"Victoria! Wait lets talk about this!" Kylo called from behind me. I shook my head and felt tears slide down my cheeks. What is there to talk about?

"Victoria please wait," kylo said as he caught up to me. I app on my head and he grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"In not leaving you again, please. Lets talk about this," he added. Is hook my head again and attempted to push him away from me.

"No kylo. There is nothing for us to talk about," I said.

"Yes there is. Victoria we're married we need to talk about this. This isn't a little problem. This is huge. We have a daughter who is ill. You ca possibly be holding a son, a son to take my place in the future," kylo said.

"No. I font want any of my children to be like you. Dont you understand that you are a horrible person?" I questioned.

"Victoria. Our children are Rens, they're going to be like me weather you like it or not," he added.

"You're not a Ren! You're a Solo! You were not born as Kylo Ren! You were born as Ben Solo! They're not going to be like you! They're Solos I don't care what you say," I said. Kylo looked at me and raised his hand.

"Hit me kylo. Fucking do it. I dare you to, I will find a way to leave you again ," I snapped.

"In your dreams," he scoffed. I will leave him again.


"Why won't you talk to me?" Kylo questioned.

"Leave me alone," I snapped.

"Dont talk to me that way," he growled.

"Fuck. You," I said. He laughed and walked towards me

"You sure have changed Victoria," he smiled.

"Yeah. I did, and its because of you," I said.

"What happened to my innocent wife? You use tkt be so sweet, I don't understand why I would change you," he smirked.

"What ever," I said and walked away from him.

"You know, you're only a few months pregnant, it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun," kylo smirked.

"Right. How about no. Dont touch me. You will never touch me like that again," I said. He started tkt follow me around the room. Finally I got annoyed and pushed him away from me

"Stop following me!" I shouted.

"Im not following you!" He shouted back.

"Get out of my room! You have your own room! Leave me the hell alone!" I shouted.

"Fuck you," he said as he left the room. Finally. Is that seriously what it takes for him to leave me alone?

I placed my wedding ring on the dresser. Im not his wife. I want Ben. I want to know what type of person Ben was. Unfortunately I'll never get to see that. Life is full of disappointments.

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