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Warning. Talks about suicide, may be triggering to some people. If you would like to skip over the chapter you may.

Kylo has kept me away from Jupiter. I cannot leave my room. And a trooper brings me my meals. I don't sleep at night and during the day, I panic. What is he doing to my son? What is he doing to my children?

Did he even send Ashton to get help? Where would he send her?

Calm down Victoria.

I went to the bathroom and filled up the bathtub. Should I do it?

I know that I will never see my children again. Kylo wants them for one thing and one thing only.

They will die at a young age and it will be my fault. Because I couldn't learn to keep my damn legs shut.

I'm a whore.

A terrible mother.

Kill yourself.

Do it.

I took a deep breath and undressed myself. Slowly sliding myself into the tub until my whole body and face is underwater. I close my eyes and smile.

So this is how I can be free again. I'm sorry Ashton and Jupiter.

I am a terrible mother.

Water starts to fill my lungs causing me to choke. I didn't struggle though. I want this. This can be the one thing I do right.

My heart slows down as seconds pass and I hear the bathroom door slam open. I get pulled out of the water and a towel is wrapped around me.

"Victoria," Kylo's voice cracked. He patted my back trying to get the water out of my lungs. I cough a few times and he looks at me.

"Why?" He whispered.

"Because death is better than being here with you," I said emotionless.

"Victoria please," he said. I pushed him away from me.

"You make my life a living hell. You're not allowing me to see my children or do anything. Why would I want to stay here as your prisoner?" I asked. He looked away and stood up

"Get dressed," Kylo said and walked out of the bathroom. I stood up while holding the towel and looked in the mirror. I look like shit.

I got dressed and walked out. Kylo was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed.

"Tell me why you would think of it," he commanded. I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor.

"You're the reason why," i said.

"How am I the reason why you want to end your life? How Victoria!" He shouted as he stood up.

"Where's my children Kylo? Where is my son? You know the one I just had? Where's my daughter? When does she get to come home? They are both new pawns in your sick game. Don't lie to me! You know it's true. You want them to be just like you! Guess what Kylo. No one. Absolutely no one likes you. I'm your fucking wife. I tried to kill myself to get away from you. Yes that is selfish because I'm leaving my children. Maybe I should kill them both and then end my life so You know what it feels like to have everything suddenly taken away from you. Maybe you will actually give a shit about something!" I shouted back. He picked me up by my arm and slammed me against the wall.

"Like I can handle being with you? You're the most bitchy person ever! You don't ever stop complaining!" He said.

"I wouldn't have to bitch if you wouldn't be such a fuck up. Now I understand why your mother doesn't love you and wants you dead," I scoffed and his grip around my arm got tighter.

"Shut up!" He shouted in my face.

"What are you gonna do Kylo? Kill me. What will your children think about that in the future? They're going to think that you're a monster," I scoffed.

"They would probably thank me for it!" He said.

"Then do it!" I shouted. He let go of my arm and started to storm out of the room.

"Fucking prick!" I shouted and he turned around.

"You just want to die don't you!" Kylo said. I smirked.

"Oh my! What gave that away!" I sarcastically said.

"Don't test the waters Victoria," he said and finally left the room. I screamed and grabbed a book off the table that sat beside me and threw it at the wall.

I destroyed the room and started to cry. I can't do this anymore. If I can't kill myself. I have to kill him.

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