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I woke up in a room, almost identical to Kylo's room. I sat up and looked around. Ashton. My Ashton, where is she?

"She's fine," Kylo growled from a corner.

"Give me her," I said between gritted teeth.

"No Victoria. Tell me, what lies have you been feeding our daughter?" Kylo questioned as he stood up and walked to the bed where I laid.

"I haven't lied to her. I told her the truth. That you hurt me, that you're a monster, and you hurt the man who I would consider her father. And to top that off, she heard you murder her grandmother. So don't even dare say that I fed her lies!" I said while he pushed me down and straddled me.

"You sure are getting brave. You better knock it off before your big mouth gets you in more trouble Victoria," Kylo spat. I smacked him across the face and attempted to push him off of me.

"Why would you do that Victoria? You know I love you both, you say I'm the one hurting you, but in all reality you're the one hurting me," Kylo said.

"I went to them," I said. And he stopped.

"Who did you go to Victoria?" Kylo questioned. I looked to the side and started to laugh.

"Who do you think idiot?" I laughed as he smacked me.

"Who did you go to?" Kylo shouted.

"The resistance ass hole," I laughed.

"You did what?" He questioned as he let go of my wrists.

"I went to them with information," I said as I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. I pushed him off of me and ran out of the door. I looked both ways, it was nothing like the star killer base.

"Ashton!" I screamed as I ran down the halls.

"Ashton! Where are you?!" I shouted as I took left turns, which turned to right. Which eventually lead me no where.

"Ashton!" I screamed once again.

"You don't like to play nice anymore," Kylo said from behind me. He pinned me against the wall and held onto my hip with one hand while the other rested on my cheek.

"Where's my sweet Victoria?" He questioned.

"She's gone," I said before he smashed his lips onto mine. I didn't know what to do... Should I kiss back? No... I hate him. He is a brute. But so am I. We're both evil.

"Mommy!" Ashton cried from behind Kylo as a stormtrooper held on to her. I pushed Kylo away from me and grabbed her.

"Don't be so rough with her! Her bones are weak for gods sake! You're going to break her! Kylo! You're going to hurt her. Tell them that you don't want them touching her!" I ranted as Kylo looked at me.

"What do you mean, her bones are weak?" Kylo questioned.

"She is ill," I said.

"And what do you mean by 'Ill'?" He questioned.

"Forget it. You don't care. Take me back to the room, but Ashton is coming with me," I said.

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