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"We can't keep running," Kylo said.

"I know. We need to stop," I said.

"The problem is. If we do, they will find us. And they will separate us," he added. I agreed and sighed.

"Then we will do the best we can for now, live everyday like its our last," I said.

"Thank you for not giving up on me," Kylo said and kissed my forehead.

"I will never give up on you. I know that there is good inside of you," I said and he smiled.

"You bring the good out in me Victoria," he said.

"Mommy," Ashton said, I looked at her and sighed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I hungry," she whined and Kylo smiled.

"Let's go get something to eat," he said and she smiled back.


"I told you I would even protect you from yourself," Kylo said as both children were asleep. I smiled.

"I know," I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder. I head Jupiter's giggles and went to go check on him.

He was on the bed with Ashton's bright multicolored blanket on him and he was going for her stuffed animal.

Ashton giggled as Jupiter cooed and made baby noises. I smiled at the sight in front of me.

"Shh," I said to Kylo as I felt his body behind me.

Ashton looked up with a bright smile and started to cough. She started to wheeze and sniffle after she was finished.

"You okay honey?" I asked.

"Yeah mommy. I tired," she said. That's insane. She just took a three hour nap and is still tired!

"She's not doing well Kylo," I said.

"I know," he said which his head between his hands.

"Dammit. If I could've waited longer she would have been better and we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now," he added.

"Don't blame this on yourself Kylo. You were worried about us, you wanted us safe," I said and gently rubbed his back while holding Jupiter.

"In a way it is, if I wouldn't have kidnapped you and gotten you pregnant she wouldn't have to suffer," he said.

"Kylo. It takes two. You took me because you wanted me to be ties and to be safe. You got me pregnant because well; your pull out method will never be strong, and because you want a family. We never knew she would come out like this; don't put it on yourself," I said.

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