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"Please don't make me leave. I know I wanted to then, but I don't want to anymore," I said as I was holding Jupiter and Kylo was carrying my bags.

"I love you," I said as Kylo gently pushed me into a ship.

"I love you too my queen," he said and placed a kiss on my lips. He backed away and smiled his genuine smile.

"I'll come back. I promise," I said.

"I know you will," he said and turned around. I love you.

"Goodbye Victoria," Kylo added and that was the last time I saw Kylo Ren.

I'll come back to you. We will be a family again. I promise.


"Victoria!" Leia said with a smile.

"Good evening," I said and she took Jupiter from my arms.

"Mommy!" Ashton squealed as she ran towards me. I picked her up. She looks healthy. She looks happy.

"Ashton," I said and pecked her cheek.

"When do I get to see daddy?" Ashton questioned.

"Just a couple more days," I smiled.

"She's gotten stronger," Leia smiled.

"I can tell," I chuckled. I just want to go home. We can still survive. I should've known times where getting higher.

Kylo's POV

"What do you mean?" I asked General Hux.

"I mean, the resistance isn't going to let them come home. They're not coming back," Hux said.

"They are coming back! They will be back in less than two months! They're coming back. She promised!" I shouted. She didn't lie to me. I know she didn't.

"No they're not!"

"We're going to go get them," I said. Everyone stopped what they're doing and looked at me.

"They just left. You need to give Ashton time too, she can't possibly be any better than she was before," a trooper said.

"Shut up!" I shouted.

"Sir. I will go with you," A trooper said and stood behind me.

"We will leave in two days," I said and everyone nodded. They will come back. We can still survive.

You never said goodbye and now I'm on my own. I miss you already.

Jupiter watched out the window as people walked along outside. He giggled and started to make noises.

"Mamamamama," he said.

"Mommy!" Ashton's giggled.

"What? I have both of my children calling me. What do you need?" I chuckled.

"Daddy!" Ashton said. I sighed.

"Ashton. Daddy isn't here," I said.

"Come!" Ashton said while pulling my arm. I picked up Jupiter and followed Ashton into the dining hall. I looked straight ahead and his eyes met mine.

"Kylo!" I squealed and ran over to him. He took the baby from my hands and hugged me.

"We must go," I said.

"Agreed," Kylo added, "they're letting you three leave. But not me."

"No. You're coming home with me," I said.

"No he isn't," Leia said.

"Yes he is. Leia you said you wanted us to be a family," I croaked.

"Yes. With Ben. Not Kylo," she said.

"No. I'm not going then. Kylo please," I begged.

"His name isn't Kylo! It's Ben!" Leia shouted. I jumped a bit and looked at her.

"Please Leia. Just let him go!" I said.

"Victoria. Stop. Go home," Kylo commanded.

"No Kylo. I've already left you too many times. I'm not leaving you again," I said.

"Victoria, don't argue. Just go," he said.

"Kylo no!" I shouted causing Jupiter to cry.

"Please," he said with sadness in his voice.

"Please Kylo. Don't make me leave again, I don't want to leave you," I cried.

"Take her," Kylo said. He handed a trooper Jupiter and another grabbed ahold of my arm while another picked up Ashton.

"Kylo!" I screamed and tried to get away from the trooper.

"Don't leave me!" I cried.

"Daddy!" Ashton squealed as the trooper held onto her tighter.

"I'll see you soon," Kylo mouthed to me as people grabbed ahold oh him. My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Take your hands off my children. Now!" I commanded the troopers. They handed me Jupiter and Ashton as we boarded a ship.

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