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"Kylo!" I screamed. He came running to me and looked at me with a worried facial expression.

"What? What?" He questioned.

"Ashton, she. She's not waking up, Kylo," I cried. His face drained of all color when he sat next to her. He took her small wrist in his hand and checked for a pulse. He chest was no longer rising and she felt cold.

"Victoria," Kylo said.

"No, no, no. My baby!" I cried. He picked me up and carried me away from Ashton. I started to scream and hit his back and kick.

"Victoria!' Kylo said. I collapsed in his arms as he set me down and cried. He held me for what seemed like hours, which was probably ten minutes.

"Victoria, dry your eyes, we need to be strong, we have another child, we need to care for him. We both knew this was going to happen at some point," He said coldly.

"Your daughter. Your only daughter is dead Kylo, you can't act like you don't care. You're not allowed to do that, yes it was going to happen. But she was doing better, so much better. You can't ignore the fact that this could possibly happen to Jupiter!" I shouted. He pulled me into another hug and held onto me.

"I undestand that, and if it does happen, we will have to go through this procsess again. Victoria please, you need to calm down," he said and I started to cry harder. Ashton adored Kylo. She always smiled the brightest smile when he walked into the room. He loved her too. I've never seen Kylo be so gentle with someone. He cautiously touched her, afraid she would break like a porcelain doll. Kylo is gentle with his family. They're is times where I do upset him, but he has learned not to lay a hand on me.

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