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I sniffled as I held Ashton in my arms.

"It's okay sweetie," I said ash Ashton whimpered. I gently caressed her cheek as I stared at her.

"Mommy. I scared," Ashton whispered.

"I know honey, I know you want to go home," I said.

"Mommy. Where's nana?" Ashton questioned. My heart broke into a billion pieces.

"Nana is sleeping," I said.

"Do I get to see her?" Ashton asked.

"No sweetheart. Nana is sleeping for a long time," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Victoria. Tell me what is wrong with our daughter," Kylo commanded.

"Like you care," I scoffed.

"Victoria, fucking tell me what is wrong with MY daughter so I can get her the proper help that she needs!"Kylo shouted.

"Don't you raise your voice in front of her you bastard. She has fucking bone marrow cancer, you think that you can help her? Guess again. I'm going to lose her one day and it's going to be hard, we don't want your help. YOUR mother has it under control dickwad," I said and he started at me.

"Is that why you went to them?" He asked.

"Yes. And in exchange I helped them find you," I said and he sat next to me.

"You did this to save her?" He asked.

"Yes. Leia said she was going to help us. And she has kept her promise. So please let us go back home so she can get treatment," I croaked.

"Victoria. I just got you two back, I'm not letting you leave again. I'll help her," he said.

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