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It's been 3 years since I ran away from Kylo. Ashton is the most adorable child I have ever seen. She completes my life, all though, her sickness went away. But now, we have something far worse going on.

Kylo. He's searching for us. We ran into the woods that sat behind the village, and well. Now we're building a new shelter. So if Kylo was to come back, no one will find us.

"Mommy. Mommy!" Ashton cried as she ran away from a tree.

"What's wrong honey?" I questioned and she pointed into the trees.

"A mean animal," she cried. I picked her up and held her.

"Oh it's okay honey," I said and she sniffled.

"Victoria, would you like some rest? You haven't rested for awhile," my mother (nurse) said. I guess you get use to being around people and they become a big part of your life. She has come to be known as my mom, she helps me with everything. I handed her Ashton and went inside the small house that I've built and fell asleep on the bed.

I'm coming.

Just wait for it.

I'll find you.

My sweet Victoria. You can't honestly think that you could escape me?

Everyone thinks I'm dead. But I'm rebuilding everything.

My love. Come home so you won't be in trouble.

Wake up!

I woke up to sweat running off my forehead and looked around. He's coming.

"He's coming," I said as I walked into the small kitchen/ living room.

"Who mommy?" Ashton questioned.

"A bad man. A bad man who hurt mommy and your daddy," I said.

"He hurt my daddy?" She questioned and I nodded.

"What should we do?" Mom questioned.

"We sit here and wait. No lights, no sound. Okay Ash?" I said and she nodded.


We sat in silence for hours. Ashton fell asleep in a ball on top of my lap. I played with her hair. Every little noise caused my heart to beat faster. Noises got closer and louder. My breathing got faster and faster. I held onto Ashton as I started to shake.

"Honey I'm home!" Kylo's voice said from a distance. God please no. Not again.

Ashton soon woke up and I held her even tighter.

"Victoria. Where is my daughter?" Kylo's voice said as it traveled closer and closer. I held my breath as if it sounded like someone was directly I front of the door.

"May I come in?" Kylo said as he kicked open the door. Ashton and I hid in a small closet as the sound of Kylo's boots hit the ground.

"My wife. Where are you? You're in so much trouble," Kylo said as he walked into the room that held Ashton and I.

"No," mother said as I heard a gun shot. I closed Ashton's ears as it went off. I felt her tremble.

"Boo!" Kylo said as he ripped open the closet door. Ashton's screamed and helped onto me. He ripped her away from me.

"Don't you touch her you monster! Let her down!" I screamed as I charged at him. He held me in place with the force.

"Mommy!" Ashton screamed as she reached out to me.

"Ashton! Kylo put her down!" I screamed.

He handed her to a trooper and walked over to me, "you don't tell me what to do. Now. Let's have one on one time. Didn't you miss that?"

"Leave us alone. Give me back my daughter," i spat. Kylo started to chuckle and he pulled me into a hug.

"Our daughter," he corrected and took my hand. Pulling my wedding ring out of his pocket and placed it on my hand. I quickly took it off.

"No Kylo. No. I'm not taking you back after you chose to destroy the resistance rather than taking care of your family," I said. His grip around me got tighter. Every time I took a breath, it hurt more

"I did it to protect you two, you ungrateful little bitch," he said before everything went black.

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