Chapter 14

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Hanna's POV

I woke up and realised that the bed was empty beside me. I got up and put on Spencer's robe. I walked into the kitchen where Caleb was making breakfast. "Morning", he said when he saw me walk in. "Good morning", I replied. He placed two plated of food on the table. I smiled when I saw it. It was sausages, bacon and fried egg with orange juice on the side. We used to love eating this for breakfast together. It was the first thing we learned to make when we took cooking classes together. He sat down and we began eating.

"Hanna, I've been thinking.", he began and then took a bite of his food.

"I want to be with you and our baby", he announced.

"Wait. What about Spencer?", I asked him.

"I'll have to end it with her", he sighed.

"Caleb. I couldn't asked you to do that. I already told you, you don't need to be involved", I repeated.

"Your not asking me. This is what I want to do. If it's what you want. To be with me, that is", he said.

"Of course it's what I want. I'm carrying your baby. It's going to be hard and it's going to be complicated but it's what we both want. I love you Caleb", I confessed.

"I know. I'll end it with Spencer today", Caleb decided.

"I'm just really confused. I love Jordan too and I know that you still love Spencer", I declared.

"Yes. I do. But when it comes down to it. You are the one carrying my baby. And I love you both so much", Caleb confessed.

"Well if you're sure this is what you want. Then go ahead", I agreed.

I finished my breakfast and went into the bedroom to put my clothes back on. I then said goodbye to Caleb and have him a quick kiss. I got into my car and drove home. I decided that I would wait until Caleb ended things with Spencer before I came clean to Jordan. I was nervous but I knew I had to do it.

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