Chapter 33

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Hanna's POV

I just couldn't understand why everyone else couldn't see what I was seeing.  Elliot was Charlotte's doctor.  She told him everything.  He was probably just as evil as she was.  There was no way I was opening up to him.  I began to notice everybody staring at me.  "You have to believe me, Spence.  We can't trust him; we can't trust anybody", I said quietly.

"Hanna, you don't have to talk to Elliot, okay? But I really think you should talk to someone", Spencer replied.

"What if I rang up Ann Sullivan, would you talk to her?", Spencer added.

"I don't know, maybe", I said more calmly.

"Good.  I'll book you an appointment with her for as soon as possible", Spencer replied.

"I need to go to see Jordan.  I'll be back later", I replied.

"Will you be okay on your own?", Spencer asked.

"Yeah.  I'll be fine', I replied before picking up my phone, keys and jacket and leaving.

I got into my car and began to drive to the hospital.  As I drove I thought about everything.  How could my friends think I was going crazy?  They were the ones who couldn't realise that the world was out to get us.  We'd all been through so much between thinking Alison was dead for two years, Mona starting 'The A Game', Charlotte re-starting it and everyone who we've lost in the process how did it take me so long to realise that it was all punishment for the bad things we've done.  And now Jordan has been hurt to punish me for my affair with Caleb.

I arrived at the hospital and found Jordan's room.  He was still unconcious and hooked up to many machines.  Every time I seen him tears formed in my eyes.  I tried to be strong.  I tried not to crumble because I knew that my baby needed me to be strong.  I had to continue to think about her, no matter how hard it was.  I sat by his side for hours, waiting for something to happen.  But nothing did.  He remained still and silent.  The only sounds in the room all day were the beeping machines.

As visiting hours ended I left the hospital and got back into my car.  I drove back to Spencer and Caleb's place.  When I arrived there, they were sitting together on the couch watching a movie. 

"Hey, how's Jordan?", Spencer asked.

"There's no change", I replied.

"I'm sorry.  It's going to get better, Han", Spencer said sympatheticly.

"Yeah.  I hope so", I replied.

"Oh Hanna, I booked you an appointment with Dr. Sullivan.  Tomorrow at half one", Spencer said.

"I'll go but I don't think it will make a difference", I said before leaving to get ready for bed.

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