Chapter 15

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Caleb's POV

Spencer was due home in about five minutes. I was getting ready to tell her the truth about what happened between Hanna and I. I was really nervous and I felt bad. I still love her too but I need to stick by Hanna and my baby. None of this was Spencer's fault yet she was the one that was going to be left heart broken. I was making a cup of coffee when I heard a key turning in the door. I took a deep breath and waited for her to walk in.

"Hey babe",she said as she walked in the door.

"Hey. Your home", I replied.

She came over and kissed me on the lips. I reluctantly pulled away."what's wrong", she asked. I awkwardly sat down on the couch."I need to tell you something", I said.

"Actually, I need to tell you something too", she replied.

"Oh. Go ahead", I offered.

"Look, I know this is all happening very fast. I mean we just got together a few weeks ago and then you proposed to me and now .... now this", she babbled.

"Now what?", I asked curiously.

"Caleb. I'm pregnant", Spencer confessed.

"What?"I asked in disbelief. This couldn't really be happening. I had two girls pregnant at the same time and they were best friends. I didn't know what I was going to do. I definetly couldn't abandon Spencer but I also didn't want to leave Hanna on her own. I knew that she had Jordan but that was my baby and I still loved her. Was it really possible to be in love with two people at one time? It had to be because I knew what I was feeling towards both Hanna and Spencer. I loved them... both of them.

"I'm pregnant, Caleb. We're going to have a baby", Spencer said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Oh my God. I can't believe it", I replied.

"When did you find out", I added.

"Just yesterday. I wanted to wait until I was home with you but i was getting really worried because my period hadn't came", she explained.

"Don't worry about it. It's more important that you made sure you were healthy", I said and then kissed her on the head.

I had a few busy months ahead of me. I had to make sure both of my babies and their mothers were safe.

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