Chapter 22

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Hanna's POV

I couldn't believe it. I was now ten weeks pregnant and my first scan was scheduled for the following day. It was Tuesday morning and I was having a day off as I had terrible morning sickness. I knew that Caleb had Tuesdays off so I decided to text him. We planned to meet up in our little motel room in Philly. I couldn't wait. When I got there Caleb was already in the room waiting. He was very quiet. "Hey. What's wrong?", I asked him.

"Hanna, it was too close the other day", he sighed.

"I know. I guess we'll just have to be more careful",I responded.

"Hanna, it's too hard. Every time I see you in public I just want to run up to you and kiss you. And when we do get time to ourselves it's too hard to enjoy it because I'm terrified of being caught",he rambled.

"I know Caleb. But we can do this. We have to. I love you so much and I don't know how I could do any of this without you", I said, taking his hand into mine.

"I love you too Hanna", he began.

"But I don't think we can do this anymore. I'd be happy to help out with the baby if you want me to, but it's too hard to be with both you and Spencer. Especially since I know what it would do to not only my relationship with her, but your relationship with her. You guys have been best friends since before either of you even knew me and I don't want to be the person to end that. Like I said if you want help with the baby when it's born, feel free to ask", Caleb said through tears. I was also crying.

"No way. I don't need your help. If your abandoning me, your abandoning the baby too. I'm going to make sure you get nowhere near him or her".

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