Chapter 31

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Hanna's POV

I was now living in the barn with Spencer and Caleb and have been for a week. It had been quite awkward although I didn't spend a lot of time there as I spent multiple hours a day in the hospital with Jordan. He still hadn't woken up. The doctor said that if he woke up (which they believe he had a high chance of doing) he will recover quick enough but they didn't know how long it would be until he woke up. I still strongly believed that I was being punished for my affair with Caleb. None of the other girls understood. They couldn't.

I was now sitting in the hospital beside Jordan. I held his hand and closed my eyes. "I love you, Jordan. I promise I didn't want this to happen to you", I cried. I opened my eyes and Jordan was now sitting up. He no longer had pipes coming out of his mouth. "Of course you wanted this to happen. It's all your fault', he said to me.

I quickly let go of his hand and ran out of the small room and into the reception area.

"He just spoke to me. You need to come quick", I shouted.

I ran back into the room and a nurse follow me. As I aproached the bes I became very confused. Jordan wad lying down on the bed. There were machines beeping beside him and there was a pipe going into his mouth.

"Miss, he's still asleep", the nurse said.

"No... no he was awake. I know that he was. He said.... he said it was my fault", I cried.

"Miss, I think you're tired
You should go home and get some sleep. We will call you if there is any news on Jordan", the nurse said.

"No. I need to stay here. The world is a bad place especially when your a bad person. I can't leave him or I'll be punished", I cried.

"Nobody is getting punished. You have to go home. Call one of your friends and see if they will come to meet you so you don't have to drive home alone", the nurse offered.

"I'm not a kid. I can make my own way home", I replied, angrily. I then left the small room and continued to walk out of the hospital. I found my car, got into it and began to cry. I couldn't understand why I was being punished so much. I knew that I made many mistakes in my life but being with Caleb wasn't one of them. Everything was messed up.

I began to drive towards Spencer's house hoping there would be nobody home. When I got there Spencer's car wasn't in the garden. I used my key to open the door to the barn and walked in. Caleb walked out of the bedroom and seen me.

"Hanna, what happened?", he asked, walking up to me, kissing my forehead and hugging me.

"Where's Spencer?", I asked, panicked.

"She got a call from the hospital. They told her to go pick you up because there was a bit of a situation", Caleb explained.

"What happened?", he asked sitting down on the couch and pulling me down beside him.

"It's all my fault. I'm being punished for my relationship with you. That's why Jordan was hurt and he knows it", I explained.

"What do you mean he knows it", Caleb asked.

"He told me. He said it was all my fault", I replied.

"Wait, did Jordan wake up, Hanna?", he asked.

"No... yes.... I don't know. He was awake and he was okay and he told me it was my fault but then he was asleep again. I'm so confused, Caleb. I don't know what's happening ", I cried hugging him.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We're going to figure this out", Caleb said putting his hands on my face and kissing me.

I pulled away after a few seconds. "You can't do that anywhere that people might see us or else Jordan is going to die to punish me even more", I shouted.

"Hanna, who do you think is punishing you", Caleb asked.

"The world, the universe. Caleb, the world is a bad place and we're not safe. We're getting punished for every bad thing we do", I warned.

Caleb didn't say anything he just hugged me. Why didn't anybody understand. I was the only one who seemed to realise that nobody was safe.

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