Chapter 32

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Spencer's POV

"Oh my god", I gasped after Caleb explained to me what happened with Hanna.

"We need to do something Caleb. I think she's ill", I said concerned.

"Why don't you call Ali and see if Elliot can talk to her. I mean, he is a phsyciatrist. If she isn't well he will be able to figure it out", Caleb suggested.

"You're right. I'll call Ali now and she can come around tomorrow with Elliot",I said as I took out my phone. Alison and Elliot agreed to come over the following day.

Hanna was now asleep and Caleb and I were talking about everything she had said to Caleb earlier.

"I wonder what is so bad that she thinks she is being punished for', I questioned.

"I have no idea", Caleb replied.

"I think she has to tell us if she really wants anyone to understand her situation", I said.

"Maybe she's not ready, Spence. You don't want to rush her if she really is I'll. That's not going to help anybody", Caleb snapped.

"Sorry", I replied shocked.

Caleb sighed."No, I'm sorry. I'm worried about her. Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't care. She might have something seriously wrong and she doesn't even have her fiancé by her side. She needs her friends. She needs you guys", he replied.

"You're right. And all of the stress she's under because of this can't be good for the baby", I added.

"I never thought of that. What if she looses it, Spence? She can't loose that baby", Caleb said.

"I don't know Caleb. That baby is all that's keeping her some-what sane", I replied.

"We should go to bed. I guess we just have to wait and see what Elliot says tomorrow", I added.

"Yeah, okay ", Caleb agreed.

I then checked on Hanna before going into our bedroom getting ready for bed and getting in. I quickly fell asleep.

The next morning at about ten o'clock, Caleb, Hanna and I were all just finishing our breakfast when the door bell rang.

I walked towards the door and opened it. Alison and Elliot were standing outside.

"Hey, come in. She's just finishing her breakfast", I said quietly.

Alison and Elliot followed me towards the kitchen and when they walked in, Hanna looked up.

"Hey, Ali what are you doing here?", she asked.

"Um... Actually Hanna, Elliot is here to talk to you", Alison replied.

"Why?", Hanna asked.

"Hanna, we're really worried about you. We think a talk with Elliot might help us to understand why you've been saying the things you've been saying", I said.

"What? You think I'm crazy?", Hanna asked, laughing.

"Not crazy. Just... ill", I replied.

"I'm not ill or crazy. You guys are all crazy if you think I'm going to talk to him. He was her doctor. He was Charlotte's doctor. He's probably evil like her. He was probably sent by the universe to destroy us just like Charlotte was", Hanna screamed.

We all stood in shock. There was definetly something wrong and none of us knew what to do.

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