Chapter 18

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Spencer's POV

It was the weekend so I didn't have work. I was now seven weeks pregnant. Hanna, Aria, Emily, Alison and I were planning on meeting up in the Brew. When I arrived there, there was no sign of the other girls however I was a few miutes early. I loved it when we all got together. It was like old times yet things were so different. I was going to tell them about my pregnancy. I know that they will all be very happy for me even considering the awkward situation.
A few minutes later all of the girls had arrived. We got our coffees and sat down. We just cought up for a while until I eventually decided to tell them.

"Guys, I have to tell you something", I began.

"What is it?", Ali asked.

"I'm pregnant", I announced.

"Oh my God. Spencer, congratulations", Aria replied.

All of the girls hugged me and congratulated me and Hanna eventually spoke up. "Actually guys, I'm pregnant too", she announced.

"No way?", I asked.

"Yeah. It's true", she confirmed.

"How amazing is it that we're both pregnant at the same time", I said.

"Yeah. It's... it's great", Hanna replied as I hugged her.

We all sat down and spoke about mine and Hanna's pregnancies.

"I should have known something was up when you ordered decaf Spence", Emily laughed."It's so not like you".

"Yeah. How are you going to survive without ten cups of coffee a day" Hanna laughed.

"You can talk. I don't know how your going to do it either", Aria laughed.

"I'm not that bad. Nobody is as bad as Spencer", Hanna replied.

"Um, excuse me. I'm right here", I butted in.

"Oh shut up. You know I love you", Hanna laughed.

I loved this. I loved how we all laugh together. I loved how we would say offencive things to eachother but not have to worry about them taking it too seriously because at the end of the day we all know that one of us would never want to hurt another. We all became so close over the years and even after being sepperated for five years as soon as we came back together it was like we never left. These were my best friends and I wouldn't be here without them all. They are all I need.

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