Chapter 23

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Hannah's POV

I couldn't believe Caleb abandoned me. I get that he's with Spencer and I'm with Jordan but I am carrying his baby as well. We've been through so much together and it's hard to think that it was so easy for him to just walk away. Maybe he never fell back in love with me. Maybe he was only with me because he felt that he had to be because of the baby. Honestly, it would have hurt a lot less if he had of just left me alone when he found out I was pregnant.

I was in the car with Jordan. He was driving to the hospital for my first scan. This was our baby. I've never cared much about biology so why should I care now. I loved Jordan and he loved me and that was all that mattered.

When we arrived at the hospital we waited to be called. When we were we were led into a small room with a bed, a chair and ultrasound equipment in it.

I lay down on the bed and lifted up my top. The doctor began the ultrasound. I looked up onto the screen and saw a very tiny shape in the middle of it. "Oh my god", I gasped. "That's my baby", I added.

"Yes Hanna, that's our baby", Jordan said as he squeezed my hand.

I couldn't believe that was it. That was my little baby on the screen. The baby that I would carry in my arms in a few months. I couldn't wait.

When we were finished the doctor began to talk. "Well, your baby looks very healthy so far. You seem to be doing everything right. In a few months you will hopefully have a beatiful little baby", she said.

I couldn't believe it. Everything was going great. I didn't need Caleb to help me to give this baby everything that he or she needs. Me and Jordan were going to be the best parents ever.

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