two years later

36 13 2

hey everyone,

It's been two years since I finished this book and I cannot thank you guys enough for the all the support AHT has gotten. Never in my whole life would I of thought it would come this far. Many of you would be thinking that 19K reads isn't much compared to other stories out there ( which is true ) but it means a lot to me.

It is amazing to watch your first ever story ( even if it is completely cliche and poorly written ) become you most successful. You guys have been there since the start and I just want to thank you all for taking your time to read this.

I'm barely on this account anymore, but if you want to contact me anyway send a dm to fxckpunk . I'm sure I'll reply a lot quicker there than I will on here.

Thank you all so bloody much, I wouldn't be writing if it wasn't for you guys inspiring me to never give up.

Love you all,

Kyah xx

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