authors note

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You all are probably going to punch me for thinking this is an update but whatever.

This was my first ever book to be written, yes I know it has lots of mistakes and shit. I am very well aware of that. But I a sure you that my new projects are a hundred percent better {punctuation, grammar and length wise} so please do not be scared to check them out. As I said, I was a potato writer when I made this so please no hate.

Now, that is all said and done and out of the way. I have a question for you all.

Should I rewrite this?

I will change the story line a tiny bit but at most fix up the pot holes. I honestly think it needs to be done, but i'm not the one reading it so.. Does it need to be? or is it fine as it is?

Please comment you're thought.

and maybe.. just maybe.. no promises... a sequel will be release in the future...


thank you for reading to the end and dealing with my potato-ness writing skills during 'A Hidden Truth'.. I honestly do not know how you have done it.

love ya's

kyah xx

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