Chapter 18 (A/N:4k READS!)

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Francis walked down the long hallway to class with Gilbert. They were going to Potions, which they weren't looking forward to. Snape really despises them, they always get detentions when in his class, and he always makes fools out of them. They honestly wish they were able to get hurt so they could hurl themselves down the stairs and not have to go.

"Why can't we just skip it?" Gilbert asked.

"Because," Francis started, "Matthew will lecture both of us, Arthur will yell at me for hours, Ludwig will yell at you for hours, and I just want to get it over with,"

"...good point,"

They opened the door and sat down, seeing Ivan was already there. Draco glared at them. He had a burning hatred for the duo. They mocked him every chance they got, and it didn't seem like they would stop anytime soon.

"Sup loser!" Gilbert shouted at the blonde. Draco groaned.

"What do you want, freak?" Draco spat.

"I just wanted you to know how stupid your face is,"

"Bug off, freak,"

"Make me,"

"I will,"

"Good luck with that,"

Francis could tell this was getting really dangerous really fast. Gilbert and Draco both already seemed to be in bad moods, and being around each other definitely wasn't helping. Gilbert wouldn't back down, Francis knew that much, but maybe he could distract the albino. As much as he hated the stuck up brat, Gilbert would destroy the blonde if he didn't do something.

"H-hey Gilbert, Matthew will be disappointed if you get into a fight, won't he?" Francis said, knowing how much Gil cares about the Canadian.

The Prussian seemed to calm down, visibly relaxing. The scowl on his face turned into a small smile. He turned away from Draco and calmly waited for class to start. Francis smiled. Gilbert really did love Matthew.

Draco scowled. He got out his wand and quietly mumbled a spell, aiming at the Prussian. The egotistical loudmouth would be barfing up slugs nonstop. He smirked and fired. The albino dodged the spell, and it hit Snape directly in the gut. Draco's smile immediately fell into a look of horror.

"Who did that?!" Snape yelled in between throwing up.

"H-he did!" Draco said panicked, pointing to Gilbert.

"Did you do this?!"

"No, that would be childish," Gilbert said calmly and maturely, shocking almost everyone in the room. Francis grinned. Gilbert may be a goofball and a loudmouth, but he was still a former country. Draco stared in awe. Gilbert was usually so loud and obnoxious, it was almost unsettling to see him so calm.

The albino got up to help Snape to the hospital wing. He quickly whispered something to Francis before getting a barrel for the Professor and walking him out of the door. Francis walked to the front of the room so everyone could hear him.

"Gilbert is taking the Professor to get correct medical attention. Class is dismissed, and Draco Malfoy, please stay behind to talk to me," Francis said.

Everyone stared. This was turning out to be a weird day. Ivan smirked. Arthur had informed them while in Diagon Alley, if an emergency arrises, they have full permission to take control of the situation, Dumbledore had given them permission himself. He didn't know if this counted as an emergency, but he sure as hell didn't want to study potions. Everyone (including Ivan) left the room, leaving Draco and Francis.

Draco didn't understand. Why was he listening to the French creep? They were the same age, but for some reason Draco felt that he had to listen.

"I won't tell anyone you fired the spell if you do something for me, okay?" Francis asked.

Draco nodded.

"Good. Please don't be so rude to Gilbert, he can be an ass, but he's my friend."

Draco couldn't move. It was like there was an entirely different person in front of him. This was the creepy French jerk with the weird laugh? He was so calm, so mature, like he had aged at least a hundred years. What was going on? He nodded.

"Good! I'm going to make sure the professor is in the hospital wing, au revoir,"

Draco stared as Francis left the room. What the hell was that? He knew they were weird, but what the hell was that? He got up and left, looking for Crab and Goyle.


Gilbert left the hospital wing to find Francis so they can go prank somebody, or maybe annoy Arthur, whichever one. He was going to find him before he saw a familiar blonde curl.

"Mattie! Mattie!" Gilbert yelled for the blonde, running his way. The blonde smiled and walked towards his boyfriend.

"Hey Gil," Matthew said quietly.

"What are you doing out of class?"

"Arthur gave us a test, I passed it in about five minutes, and I was allowed to leave class. What about you?"

"Draco was an asshole and decided to use that weird spell on me that makes people throw up slugs, but I dodged it and it hit greasy hair, so I took him to the hospital wing. Francy pants canceled class since, y'know, can't teach when you're throwing up slugs,"

"That sounds...interesting,"

"Ja, pretty gross. Good thing none of it got on me,"

Matthew laughed. He grabbed Gilbert's hand and kissed him on the cheek. Gilbert felt himself lightly blushing. He kissed Matthew on the nose, making the blonde's face go entirely red. The albino loudly laughed, before running down the hallway, dragging his boyfriend along.

"W-wait! Where are we going?" Matthew asked.

"To go find something awesome to do, duh! Kesesese!" Gilbert laughed.

Matthew smiled. His boyfriend sure could be weird, but he wouldn't want to be with anybody else. He lightly giggled, running to keep up with the albino.

Francis watched as they passed him to go, as Gil was putting it, "do something awesome because I AM THE AWESOME PRUSSIA AND YOU ARE MEIN AWESOME BOYFRIEND!!!". Francis laughed. He sure did have a crazy family.


A/N: update!! I hope you all liked this chapter, I kinda had writer's block this chapter. Also, 4K READS OH MY GOD THANK YYYOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're all the best!!See ya next chapter!

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