Chapter 27

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Arthur pounded his fist against the classroom door. Dammit, dammit, dammit! Was he really so incompetent that four people almost died on his watch?! He angrily threw one the many books at his desk across the room.

He didn't have time to be angry, though. He had to figure out how the dementor almost killed them. He was certain they couldn't kill how...?

After a few hours, he found there was only one case where a nation had died at the hands of a dementor. Apparently they thought one death meant nations wouldn't be killed by them most likely.

"Guess that was wrong," Arthur said bitterly. "Bloody morons..."

He got up and made his way to the hospital wing. Everyone else has gathered there, he was the only one missing. With every step, his concern for them grew and grew. He found himself walking faster, then jogging, then running. He didn't even know when he started running, but he didn't care. The worry was eating away at him. He slammed the doors open and ran to their sides.

He saw that Kiku was awake, and appeared to have no physical injuries, but he was obviously in a lot of pain. Feli was sobbing at his side, with a very concerned Ludwig next to him. Yao was angrily yelling at him from the other side of the bed, next to Lovino and Toni. Kiku was reassuring them that he was okay (and doing a very poor job, seeing as he groaned in pain every couple seconds).

Tino lay near lifeless on the bed, occasionally twitching his hand slightly. Berwald was trying to hold back tears at his side, clutching the Finnish man's hand as tightly as he could. Like if he let go, he would lose Tino...and the rest weren't much better. Lukas was pounding his fist into the walls so hard that he started making a dent in it. Magnus was crying into Emil's shoulder. Emil seemed to be holding back tears of his own. Lastly there was...

Matthew. He felt tears stinging his eyes. He held them back, though. He had to be strong, because, well, no one else would. Still, the guilt was tearing him apart on the inside. He nervously turned towards the last eight he wanted to see.

Matthew was as pale as the ghosts that haunted the school. Alfred was trying to hold back tears, but completely failing. He buried his face in his unconscious brother's shoulder. Gilbert was holding himself together surprisingly well. He just held Matthew's hand and sadly stared at his boyfriend's unconscious body. Ivan punched straight through the wall and mumbled "kolkolkolkolkolkol,". Francis was watching the scene unfold silently. He turned to Arthur when he noticed the Englishman had arrived.

"Bonjour," he said to Arthur.

"Hello..." Arthur replied.

"...guess things didn't go so well, huh?"

"Hehe...yeah...guess they didn't..."

They stayed in silence for a few minutes. Francis eventually spoke up again.

"Are you alright?"


"Thought so..."

Suddenly a thought occurred to him. Where was Harry? He asked one of the nurses and apparently the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher has helped him on his own. He shrugged and went along with it.

He sighed and started walking towards the exit to get ready for his next class. He glanced back at his hurt friends for one second before walking away.


Arthur looked at his surroundings. Where was he? In a dream? Maybe. He walked around. He appeared to be somewhere a few centuries back. But where was he? He kept walking forward. He couldn't see anything. So he kept walking.

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