What Happened?!

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I woke up this morning and started walking to school, when I saw Jack running after me. I turned around and he gave me a bear hug.

"Hey, babe!" He said with a joking smirk.

"Hi." I replied.

"Why?" he asked and I got confused.

"Why what...?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"Why are you mad at me?" he asked and I looked down.

"...Here's the thing... I like you... But, I can't..." I said and he frowned.

"Why?" he asked upset.

"You're best friends with my bullies..." I replied.

"Grayson and Ethan are harmless..." he said and I looked at my wrist. I then saw a puddle of water and stopped.

I bent down and wet my hand. I then, rubbed off the makeup from my arms and legs, showing him scars and bruises.

Then, I lifted my shirt only past my stomach and showed him my side which was nearly purple. The whole side of my torso...

"They didn't do that..." he said looking down.

"Yeah... They did... Grayson did my torso, and Ethan gave me a lot of these." I replied pointing to marks, starting to walk again as he didn't move.

"And you gave me some, too..." I said and he started walking again to catch up with me.

"What are you talking about?" he asked and I looked up at him. I placed one finger on my neck and he saw all of the love bites and bruises.

"I'm sorry Jayden..." he said not knowing what else to say. He then sighed.

"Jayden... I don't know how else to explain this... You are so pretty, and I really like you. I've never seen anyone before in this whole world, that was as beautiful as you are. I know we just met. But, that isn't going to stop me from liking you." he said looking away as we kept walking.

"Well, Jack... I like you, too. But, you're best friends with Grayson and Ethan..." I said and he sighed.

"How can I stop them?!" he asked and I looked away.

"I don't know..." I softly replied and looked up to see Ethan coming towards me. I sighed and Jack looked over at me scared, not for himself. But, for me...

"What are you doing with her?!" he yelled at Jack.

"I was walking to school with her... What's your problem today?" he asked back and Ethan looked angry.

"Just go! I'll talk to you later." he said and the bell rang. Jack looked up and started walking to the school.

I started walking there, too. But, I was suddenly stopped by Ethan grabbing my arm. I turned around and he smiled.

"Don't get so feisty!" he said pulling me close as I tried to get away. But, I could not because, he was a lot stronger than me.

He dragged me halfway down the street until I finally punched him in the stomach and ran. I ran and ran until I was suddenly stopped.

I felt a whip to the back of my head and I fell to the ground. I was immediately in pain.

Then, I saw black and that was all I saw... I don't remember anything else that had happened during that time.

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