Fun Mornings With My New Family.

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*Jayden's POV*

"Jay Jay!" I heard a voice say. I tried hard to open my eyes, and trust me. It was difficult! I am not a morning person.

I looked up and saw Ethan. I put both hands in the air and he smiled. He walked over and grabbed both of my arms.

He pulled me up to where I was sitting up straight, and he kissed my forehead. He then, put his hands under my armpits and started to lift me up like a child.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I was honestly, so tired. I just laid my head down on his shoulder.

He carried me downstairs, and threw me on the couch. Then, he walked into the kitchen to talk to Grayson.

But, all I could hear was them laughing every so often. I had no idea what they were talking about.

Then, out of nowhere, Grayson was running towards me. I was laying on the couch still. So, all I could do was tense up and flinch away.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. But, very soon he stopped. Then, went again.

"They're coming for you Cameron!" Ethan yelled and I heard her squeal. Then, I heard her running footsteps.

"Grayson! Stop!" Cameron yelled and I started laughing. I was trying to catch my breath. But, I couldn't do it.

*Cameron's POV*

I smelt breakfast from downstairs and decided to grab a plate, before the boys got there because, they would eat it all.

I walked down the stairs to see Ethan in the kitchen and when I looked over at Grayson, I slowed down.

He was carrying Jayden and she was yelling at him. Then, he turned around and saw me. He paused.

But, I just kept walking towards the food, until Ethan started yelling at me. I jumped up and he pointed over to them.

"They're coming for you Cameron!" He yelled and I turned to see Grayson running at me with Jayden thrown over his shoulders still.

"Grayson! Stop!" Jayden yelled and he kept chasing me as I screamed and screamed. I ran over to the couch and Grayson stopped.

Every time I went one way he did, too. I was trapped. Then, I sneezed. When I looked back up Grayson was right next to me.

He tackled me onto the couch and Jayden flew off his back, onto the other end of the couch. She started laughing and soon, I did, too.

Ethan came over and started tickling Jayden. So, Grayson did the same to me. I yelled and Jayden did, too. Finally, they both stopped and my Mom came downstairs.

"Are you guys ready?" she asked and we all looked at each other.

"I guess." Ethan said helping Jayden up from the couch. Jayden gave Ethan a weird look, though.

"What's wrong?" Jayden asked him and he looked down at her.

*Jayden's POV*

"I'm gonna miss this place. I'm gonna miss this town. I'm honestly gonna miss Jack, too. I'm gonna miss my friends, and my school. But, I don't want to stay..." he said with both eyebrows raised.

Everyone else in the room stayed dead quiet. Everyone just watched Ethan and I talk to each other.

"Why are we moving then? You never told me why you wanted to move in the first place..." I said as Ethan went dead silent.

Everyone in the room went silent. I didn't understand why they were all doing this. They had to be keeping something from me...

"Ethan! Tell me what's going on." I said raising my voice a little as everyone stayed still, silently watching us.

"You." he said and I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Wh-" I said. Then, stopping. I didn't know what to say. I was so confused on what he meant by, "you."

"We love you. That's the reason." he said and I squinted hard at him.

"That makes no sense. You have to explain that better." I said and he started searching for the right words.

"Jay? This is actually all because, of... Lacie... She's hates all 3 of us now. She's been threatening us... Not in person. But, we thought it would be best if we moved and we could tell, that you didn't want to stay here either..." Ethan said and I didn't know how to react to that.

"We are moving because, some girl who likes to open her mouth because, she can, and decided to talk about us?!" I said getting mad.

"Well, and because..." Ethan said, then, looking over at Gray, as Gray started to talk.

"There's a big party that is like 3 weeks long. It's like a big festival! We will get to meet a few fans and a whole lot of social media stars!"

So, my summer just started and I've been so busy lately. I'm just getting home now, from a Missouri high school state track meet. I wasn't in it because, I'm only 13. But, I had to go for my sister.

But, I have to go to a state track meet that I'm in here soon. So, I won't be able to update for the few days that I'm gone for. But, I'll try to post a lot before then, and as soon as I get back. I will let you know what that comes up though.

I thought I would let you guys know before I leave. It will be a little while though.


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