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(before you all tell me I spelt the chapter wrong, I did that on purpose.)

*Jayden's POV*

I woke up with Grayson around my arms. I thought back to last night and remembered what happened to Ethan.

"What are you doing in here?!" I asked Gray and he woke up surprisingly quick. He looked over at me and smiled.

"What are you doing in here!? You know How Ethan would react to this! What is your problem? When did you even get in here?! And stop smiling!" I said and he got out of the bed.

"I got lonely. Ethan doesn't have to know..." he said and I got a little frustrated. I quickly got up and rushed out the door.

I looked around to see any sign of Ethan, that I could find. But, I didn't see any. Then, I walked down the hallway and peeked my head in through his door.

I knocked on the door and smiled when he awoke.

"Hey Ethan!" I said in a more excited voice, and he looked up at me.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked with a yawn.

"Well, I thought that you and I could go down to Starbucks... together." I said and he smiled.

"Are you scared to go meet Jamen by yourself?" he asked.

"Well, kinda... I'm nervous. But, I want you to come with me." I said and he started to get up.

"Be ready in 10." I said again walking out of his room. I walked into my room and Gray was still sitting in my bed.

"Get out of here!" I whisper yelled and he slowly got up and dragged himself out the door.

I walked over to my desk and grabbed my money, and my phone off the charger. I then, got ready (outfit above^) and walked into the living room.

Ethan was already sitting there and he looked over at me with a smile. No! Ethan and I are not dating! I just kept that in my mind for as long as I could.

Ethan grabbed his keys and we walked out the door.

"Are we driving or, are we walking?" he asked and I grinned.

"Let's drive. We're running a little late." I replied and we walked down to the parking garage. That's where everyone in the apartments park their cars.

Ethan did flirt a lot with me and he did touch me awkwardly, and stuff like that. It just wasn't the same. He used to hold my hand and now he puts his hand on my shoulder. It's just weird...

Once we got to the Starbucks store I sighed and Ethan looked over at me.

"Nervous?" he asked and I cracked a fake smile.

"Yes." I replied not embarrassed. I knew he would understand me.

"Why?" he asked shaking his head.

"Well, it's just... What if Jamen really is my sister? What if I really was adopted?" I asked and he looked at me, directly in my eyes.

"Then, you have a real family. They'll love you and you will never be hurt again." he said and I looked down at my shoes. It was silent. But, not uncomfortable at all.

"Let's go." he said and I got out of the car. I walked up to the door and I walked in to see Jamen. She had already had my drink sitting on the table.

"How did you know I would get this?" I asked and she smiled.

"Mom used to feed you strawberries for breakfast everyday. I just figured you would still like them." she said handing me my strawberry smoothie.

"How did you know I didn't want a coffee?" I asked seeing if she would get the answer right and she smiled again.

"If I know my sister, I would say she doesn't like coffee." she said and my mouth dropped.

"How did you know that?!" I asked excited.

"You just look like the type of person that doesn't like coffee... and I asked the workers if they knew and what you get... Come here often?" she said and I laughed.

"Well, I guess." I said again and she smiled.

"Who's that?" she asked and I turned around to see Ethan.

"This is Ethan. We live together." I said and she smiled again.

"Are you guys dating?" she asked and I quickly replied.

"Well... it's complicated..." I said and she nodded her head as if she understood. Then, we all sat down.

"So... I'm assuming that you want to know how you got with your family you are with now?" she said and I nodded.

"Okay. Well, I was two when you were born. I didn't really know my Dad. But, the one time I saw him at home was when I was about 1. That's when you were made... After he left, he didn't come back... I loved taking care of you and playing with you when we were little. Our mom was only about 22. After she had me, Grandma kicked her out of the house. She moved in to a small house and she struggled to pay bills and other stuff like that. After having two kids, she knew she couldn't afford both of us. She ended up giving you away because, she she grew too close to me. But, she had just gotten you... Then, after giving you away, she got a better job, got married to my step dad, and tried to get you back. But, you had already been adopted... So, my Mom looked into your adoption and found out that our Dad adopted you. After that, I started to search. 4 years later, and I'm sitting a Starbucks, talking to you." she said smiling and I didn't know what to say.

"So... where is Mom?" I asked and she frowned.

"Mom and my step Dad left us as soon as I turned 18..." she said and I felt terrible.

"Does she want to meet me?" I asked and Jamen smiled.

"I know where she probably is and I bet she does." she said and I smiled.

"I'll take you there." she said and I looked over at Ethan with smile. I was about to meet my Mom...

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