Ethan Dosent Have To Know...

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*Jayden's POV*

-Next Day-

I woke up and tore off the band aides from my wrist. I can't believe I cut last night. I told Ethan he could go get dinner and he trusted me.

I can't believe I did that! My wrist is all sore now and now, I can't let him know how much it hurts.

I hopped out of bed, and walked over to the mirror. I was such a mess. I took my hair down and took off my clothes. Then, I walked into the bathroom in my room.

I closed the door and hopped in the shower. I washed myself off and washed my hair. After that, I started reaching for my towel, which I usually place on the toilet.

I stuck my head out of the shower, and saw that I forgot to grab a towel.

"Grayson!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"What?" he yelled back and I smiled.

"I need a towel!" I shouted back and about 30 seconds later, he came walking in with a towel. He handed it to me and I wrapped it around myself.

I walked out of the shower and he was still standing there. I just looked at him wondering why he hadn't left yet.

But, he for some reason wasn't leaving. After I realized that he wasn't going to go, I looked over at myself in the mirror and he came up behind me.

He hugged me from behind and I wasn't sure what to do. I just kinda let it happen.

"Jay? I'm sorry for what happened with me yesterday." he said and my eyes got big.

"You remember?" I asked surprised and he frowned.

"Yeah. I do and I'm so sorry. I feel terrible for what I did to you... Forgive me?" he asked and I turned around, still holding up my towel.

"Of course." I replied and he placed one hand behind my neck. He started kissing me and honestly, I enjoyed it.

He grabbed my waist and sat me up on the counter. He kissed and kissed me, and I let him continue. I'm not sure why I let him continue. But, I just did. I guess I wanted to see where it would go.

After a while of that, I stopped kissing back and I pulled away.

"I need to get ready." I said and Gray followed me back into my room. He just sat on my bed and I finished getting ready.

After getting ready, I started walking towards the door until, Gray put one hand on my stomach, and pushed me back.

I fell back on the bed and he walked over. He climbed on top of me, starting the kissing back up. We didn't go too far. But, we didn't stop for a while.

The worst thing that happened is that, I walked out of the room with a hickey on my boob, and a few on my neck. But, hey, Ethan doesn't have to know.

"Where is E?" I asked gray and he smiled.

"Why? You getting nervous? or you wanna do more?" he asked winking, and I giggled, playfully, pushing him away.

"No. I don't. Where is he?" I asked again, and he smirked at me.

"He was here when I came in. But, I don't know where he is now." Grayson replied, and I looked all around the house. But, I couldn't find him.

"Gray? Wanna come with me to Jaimen's?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure. I'll text Ethan." he replied and with that, we left.
Please read!

In the next chapter, there is a lot of self harm and other things. If you are triggered by anything to self harm, please, skip over the next chapter.


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