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*Ethan's POV*

Once I finally got back to the apartment, I opened the door and Jayden was on the ground, propped up by the couch.

"Jayden?" I said and she started screaming!

"She killed him! She killed him! She did it!" she screamed, crying loudly. She was going crazy.

"Jayden. What are you talking about?" I asked and she gave me a certain look. I got creeped out by this. I wasn't sure what to do.

I kneeled down by her and I put my hand on her back. She quickly moved my hand and I didn't know what to do.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled and I stood up, quickly.

"What is that?" I asked, after I noticed she had a price of paper in her hand. She held onto it tightly. I reached for it, and she ripped her hand away from me.

"Jay? Let me see it." I said and she dropped the note, crying even louder. She reached over to a box sitting next to her, and I picked up the note.


Dear Daughter,
How are you? I'm doing fine. It's been rough without your Dad. He was such a great man. But, he was taking all of the fun out of my life. I guess he hated me or something. He tried to make me an adult... He brought me the worse gift of my life... You. I never wanted a daughter. Your Aunt never wanted a niece. She wanted you to know, that she knew she was getting soft while we were at the hospital. But, she still hates you...
Anyways, I just wanted to send you something to remember your Dad. Once you open the box, you'll realize why your Dad died. Open the box now... Inside the box you'll see what killed your father. When we were in the car on our way to the hospital to see you, we had no brakes... I killed your father Jayden... You are parentless now. I'm not your Mother and I never will be...
I ripped the brakes out of the car right before we left. The very first stop light we came to, we drove right into a diesel. I know you loved your Dad, and I did, too. But, it was his time to go...
Now, I'm off to find my next husband. I hope he doesn't have a daughter... I would have to kill them both this time. Just like, what I should've done to you... Be watching, and sleep with one eye open because, I'm coming for you... Bye Jayden... For now.
                                      Love, Your Daddy's Killer

*Ethan's POV*

I opened the box to see the brakes of a car. I looked over at Jayden and she looked weak. She was teary eyed, and my stomach was dropping.

That's when Grayson came out of his room, holding a controller. Then Jake came out with a controller, too.

"Hey guys." I said and Jake looked down at Jayden who was still on the floor. He looked worried for her.

"When did you get back?" he asked and I replied for Jayden.

"Just now." I said and he nodded.

"Well, then, I'm gonna go back home. I'll see you guys later."  he said leaving. Then, Grayson went back into his room.

Jay stood up on her feet, and we just stared at each other. But, it was a non awkward silence. But, at the same time, it was still uncomfortable.

"I'm going to my room..." she said breaking the silence, starting to walk away.

"No you're not." I said back sternly and she looked hurt.

"Yes I am..." she replied and I shook my head.

"Not without me you're not..." I replied and she looked down.

"Can't you just see, that I want to be alone?" she asked with tears in her eyes and I nodded my head.

"Can I trust you to be in there by yourself?" I asked and she looked down. Then, she shook her head.

"No." she said and I walked over to her. I wrapped her up in my arms and she cracked a tiny smile. But, it soon disappeared. She was very upset and I could tell.

I'm defiantly not going to leave her alone...

Not now. Not Ever.

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