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*Ethan's POV*

"Are you guys ready for church yet?" I asked the kids from my bathroom.

"Yes Dad!" Ari yelled, through the house.

"Okay. Let's leave then." I said and the kids and I, all walked into the living room.

"Wait. Daddy... I need to ask you something important." Jace said.

"What's that?" I asked him and he looked up at me.

"Why don't we have a Mommy in our family anymore?" he asked and I came to a complete stop.

"Sit down guys." I told them and they hopped up on the couch.

"Ari? Do you remember Mommy?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah... I miss her. She left." she said an a tear dropped from her eye. My eyes filled up with water as well. But, I didn't let any tears fall and I wasn't going to let any fall in front of my kids.

"Wasn't she great?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Yeah. I love her." she said again.

"Well, Jace... Your Mommy was so amazing. Her and I were so in love. But, you might not remember her as well as Ari does. She went away one day and got into a car accident. She ended up dying that day... Jace we have a family picture up there on the wall... You see that beautiful lady who was holding you?" I asked and he nodded.

"That's your Mommy." I told him and he smiled.

"Oh. I remember her. That was my Mommy." he asked and I nodded.

"She used to sing to me at night, and give me kisses every time she left... But, after one kiss, she didn't come back." he said and a tear left my eye.

"You know, right before she went to Heaven, she told me to tell you, she loves you guys so much, and to never forget that." I told them and they both smiled.

"Daddy... Can you tell us some more?" Ari asked and another tear left my eye. But, I wiped it away as quick as I could. So, the kids wouldn't see it.

"Of course. But, we need to leave... I'll tell you guys on the way to church." I told them and we left. But, right before I closed the door. I reached for the light switch. But, it turned off on it's own. It took me by such a surprise.

I know it wasn't a ghost or anything. I know exactly who it was. It was Jayden... She was doing exactly what she told me she would...

She was still with me, and I loved her being right by my side.

The End.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this book! I really enjoyed writing it. I did actually cry a few times. But, Please vote for this chapter. I would really appreciate it, and thank you guys so much for reading, voting, and giving me a reason to write stories.

I also want to let you guys know that, I am also writing 2 other books right now. They are not published yet. But, they will be soon. They're also fanfics. One is about Ethan Dolan and the other one is about Hunter Rowland. I would really appreciate it, if you guys read them later on, too.

I love you guys so much! Thanks for giving me a reason to write.

-love addi

If you liked this book, please share it with your friends. I would be so happy if I hit 4K. That would mean so much to me. Thanks guys! I love you guys so much!

Shoutout Winners:

(if you think you deserved a shoutout, than message me and I'll take care of it.)

(making a prequel!)

(Decided I wanted to make a sequel! It's gonna be hard! But, I've already decided how to do it! Stay in touch!)

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