Where's My Ring?

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5 Months Later•

*Jayden's POV*

"Babe!" I yelled through the apartment and Ethan ran into my room.

"What's wrong?" he asked nervous.

"I can't find my ring..." I told him and he shook his head in relief.

"It's in the bedroom. You left it on the night stand." he told me and I smiled. I walked into our room, and grabbed my beautiful, ring off the stand.

Then, my stomach started to hurt. It was a terrible pain. It was a pain that I had never felt before.

"Ethan... Come back." I told him and he walked into the room.

"What's wrong?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I have no idea... Something is defiantly wrong, though. I'm in so much pain right now." I told him, as I starting to lean down onto the bed, and he ran to get his phone.

He called someone and they said they'd be there as soon as they could be.

"Who was that?" I asked hoping it would be Gray because, I trust Grayson.

"It was Jake." he told me and I nodded, a little disappointed. I defiantly trust Jake, too. But, Jake isn't family like Grayson is.

Once, Jake got to the apartment, we all got into the car. Ethan was driving so fast. Then, we heard sirens.

"No!" I yelled and he pulled over. I was breathing heavy, and I felt my seat... It was covered in water.

"Sir? Do you know how fast you were driving?" he asked Ethan and I started freaking out.

"Well, yes. But, she's having a baby!" he told him and he looked over at me with big eyes.

"My water just broke!" I yelled and the cop told Ethan he would escort us to the hospital.

He drove in front of us and led us to the hospital. He got inside and they brought me a wheelchair. They wheeled me to my room and the contractions were getting closer, and closer together.

I felt like I was dying!

*Grayson's POV*

I got a text from Ethan and he said that Jay was having her baby. I got in my car and rushed to the hospital. But, when I got there, they wouldn't let me in the room.

*Ethan's POV*

I saw a glimpse of the baby as they went to clean it off. But, I couldn't tell the gender. Jay and I wanted it to be a surprise.

When the doctor came back in the room, he didn't have our baby.

"Where's the baby?" I asked him and he blinked, slowly at me.

"I'm not sure if you guys were aware or not. But, Jayden was only 8 months pregnant. The baby was born, pre mature. I just wanted to clear that up for you guys before we brought it out." he said and I started counting back the months, and he was right. Jay was only 8 months pregnant.

They brought in the baby, after they cleaned it off, and I saw it's face. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, in my whole life.

They handed the baby to Jayden, and she peeked in the blanket wrapped around the baby.

"It's a girl." she told me and I smiled. It was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen. Then, Jayden handed her to me. I held her tight in my hands. She was just so small.

Then, a nurse let Grayson and Jake into the room. I smiled at them and started to speak.

"It's a girl." I told them and they looked so happy to see her.

"Whoah. She's tiny." Grayson said after I handed her to him.

"She's a month premature." I told him and he looked into her eyes. She had blue eyes and dark brown hair. She was just so beautiful.

Then, they decided to weigh her.

"5 pounds and 6 ounces." the doctor announced and Jay smiled as they handed the baby back to her.

"So, Jayden? What's her name?" I asked and Jayden smiled.

"I'm not sure... How does Ariella Grace sound?" she asked with a smile.

"That's beautiful." I told her and her face glowed up. I couldn't have been any more happier than I was, right then.

(3 more chapters.)

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