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•2 Years Later•

*Jayden's POV*

"Ari! Get back here! It's time for bed." I told my two year old daughter, and she threw herself on the ground. I started walking towards her and she got up quickly, to take off again.

But, Ethan picked her up right before she could leave.

"What are you doing? Don't you know it's time for bed!" Ethan said mocking me. He tickled Ari's belly and I smiled. He was such a good Dad.

"Eww. Do you smell that?" he asked me with his laugh. I don't know why. But, I fell in love with that laugh over the years. I've heard it so many times, and I never get over it.

"Yeah. It's probably her diaper." I told him smiling.

"Ari? You wanna go back to Mommy?" he asked and she smiled real big.

"Yes!" she said excited, with her baby lisp, and he tried to hand her to me.

"Nope! Not until you get your stinky booty changed." I said and she giggled.

"Well, here you go." Ethan said and I smiled.

"No. I change her all the time. It's your turn now." I told him with a smile and he sighed. About 5 minutes later, Ari ran back into the living room.

"You ready to go to bed?" I asked her and she tried to run again. But, I caught up with her, and picked her up.

I carried her into her room and turned on the light. I laid her down in her crib and I locked it, closed. Then, me and Ethan went to sleep.
"Mommy!" I heard Ari yelling in my face. She was standing on top of my stomach, as Ethan stood behind her, making sure she didn't fall.

"Mommy! Wake up!" Ethan yelled, and I giggled.

"What do I have to do around here, to get some sleep!?" I yelled, playfully, and Ethan winked at me, while picking up Ari.

"Come on. We're going to Gray's place today, for a play date. Remember?" he said and I sighed getting out of bed.

"How old is Bailey again?" I asked and he looked over. She's 2. She's the same age as Ari." he told me.

Bailey is Grayson's daughter. She was even named after him by her Mom, Grayson's girlfriend, Maci.

"But, isn't she like 7 months younger?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. Bailey was born when Ari was 7th months old... Come on. We're supposed to be there in 10 minutes." he told me and I got ready.

We left the apartment and got to Grayson and Maci's place. We got there and I saw Jaimen, Jaten, Janni, Ahonna, and Jaylin there, too.

I didn't even know they were invited.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" I asked and they all gave me my hugs. After that, the kids went to play, and the rest of us talked in the living room. It was Maci, Jaimen, Me, Ethan, Grayson, and Jaten.

We caught up and it turns out that the family is expecting news... Let me talk that back... Not news... Big news!

"I'm getting married." Jaten told us. He was only 17 and he was already getting married to his girlfriend. But, hey. I also got married at that time of my life. I was just glad it was the same girl, he had Ahonna with.

We congratulated him, and after about two hours. We all left. Ethan and I packed up the car and left. We got back to the house and I started making lunch. We all ate, and the rest of the day went by so fast.

After dinner, we put Ari to bed and Ethan and I went to the living room. We put on a movie and Ethan started being so romantic.

He kept kissing my neck and making out with me. Then, one thing turned into another.

9 months later, I was back in the hospital room, popping out another kid. We had a baby boy. Ethan wanted to name him Jace. So, we did.

You might think that's crazy, having 2 kids so soon... But, try only being 19, with 2 kids...

I guess I got used to living this way, though. But, I couldn't be more happy now.
A great Husband and Dad to my kids, and two beautiful children.

Ariella... Ella for Ethan.
Jace... Jace for Jay.
Two More Chapters Guys! I hope you love them!

(2 more chapters.)

Sorry for not updating. I've been at volleyball the past few days and forgot to update. Expect another one soon though.

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