I Love You.

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*Jayden's POV*

When I got to go see my Dad, it was one of the most depressing days of my life. I love him so much. I don't like to see him hurting.

I saw him laying there, not moving. I slowly walked closer, and closer to him until I was right next to him.

I grabbed his hand and let a tear slide down my face, as my Mom walked over. I knew what she was gonna no to say...

I know my Mom just got into a car accident. But, so did I... and my Dad... My Mom is in just a little bit better condition than the rest of us.

"Honey... Say bye..." she said and I let more tears fall down.

"No..." I replied and she looked hurt.

"Jay?! We are leaving... and you are not going to stay here by yourself..." she spoke again and my voice started cracking as I spoke again.

"I am not leaving him!" I raised my voice at her and she gave me an angry look. She stepped away from me and I started to cry softly.

"We'll be waiting in the car..." she said walking out of the room as my Aunt Helen followed her. That's when I let every tear out.

"Dad? I hope you know... I love you. I love you more than you ever imagined! I know you can't hear me... But, you just can't leave me! I love you too much..." I said sitting down in a chair right next to his bed.

I cried, and cried for a long time until I heard a beeping sound. I looked over at random monitor and started to cry louder.

I've seen this in all of the movies... I just know that, this is the part where Dad dies... and that's my fault...

"Don't leave me..." I said crying harder as my cheeks began to burn.

"Please... Please, don't leave me." I said and his nurse walked in.

"Honey? You need to leave." she said and I frowned.

"No." I replied instantly.

"You need to..." she said back frowning.

"But, I can't..." I said as she looked confused.

"Why can't you?" she asked and I let more tears fall down my burning face.

"I can't leave his side... This was all my fault! If I was stronger, and a better daughter, I could've gotten away from Ethan! But, I'm not! So, this is all my fault and my Mom will never forgive me... I'm not leaving his side..." I said looking at his body.

"Honey? You can't stay here with him any longer... You need to go." she said and I cried harder.

"But... that would mean he's really gone and he can't be!" I stated and she walked over pulling me in for a hug.

"Listen... Everything happens for a reason... I just know that he wouldn't want you to feel like this was your fault... This man was a hero. He'd understand. You know why?" she asked and I nodded my head no.

"Because, he loves you enough to sacrifice himself for your life... He understands that... and every time he got in a car, he was risking his life... Just like you, your Mom, and all of your friends... sometimes we don't realize that we're taking life threatening risks like that... He probably didn't even think about this happening to him... He was just hoping that you would be okay..." she said and I let tear by tear fall down my cheeks as she wiped each one away.

"So, he's really gone?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, baby girl... I'm afraid he is... But, when he died, he was thinking about you..." she said and I bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. I let one of my tears fall and it landed where I kissed him.

"I love you." I said walking to the door. I opened it and let it close behind me. I looked through the window of the door to see him one more time.

The nurse took a blanket and raised it up, over his head. That was the last time I would see my Dad. Now, every time that someone asks me what my Dad looked like, I'll see this picture in my head...

I'll have to live through this moment, a thousand times... and sadly, I'll never forget it...

That's when I cried even harder than before. Then, I felt a hand on my back. It was Ethan... He has a cut on his face and smiled.

"Come on. We'll take you home." he said pulling me in at his side. He hugged me with Grayson walking behind us.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I opened my door to get out of the car, for, I was home.

"Thanks for the ride. But, No... I'm not okay..."

"This is all going to work out..." he spoke again.

"Maybe, in your head, you see a girl that lost her father. So, you say, it'll all work out... But, in my head... I see a selfish guy, who doesn't understand..." I replied looking away.

"What's not to understand?" he asked and I shook my head.

"You don't understand that... you just killed my Dad... and you didn't even say sorry..." I said slamming the door behind me...

Today was an emotional roller coaster... Once I got home I wasn't sure what to do... I miss my Dad already...

I walked into the bathroom and picked up a razor... I was 4 days clean!l... But, that's where it ended.

I slid the blade across my skin, over and over again, causing blood to immediately rush out of my wrist. I'm not sure why I do this to myself. But, it releases so much stress...

I grabbed a few band aides and placed them over the cuts. I don't want anyone to see them. So, I just wear lots of bracelets. People don't seem to notice...

People don't seem to notice me...


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a long time. I am truly sorry for that... I have had a lot going on lately and I just need some time to myself for now.

I will update soon! I have about 8 pre written chapters that I still need to post. I will get to them as soon as I can. I love you guys! Thanks for reading!

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