Even Later.

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(Thought you guys should know,
I totally cried while writing this chapter.)

•2 Years Later•

*Ethan's POV*

"I'll be home in about an hour. I love you guys! Give Mommy kisses!" Jayden said, and both of the kids ran to her. They each have her kisses and she walked over to me. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled.

"I love you." she said starting to walk towards the door.

"I love you, too!" I told her, and I sat back down, as she left.

"Who wants to play a game?" I asked the kids and they ran over to me.

"I do! I do!" they both shouted.

"Okay. Then, you both go pick one out." I told them and they ran to go get a board game. They came back moments later with the game "Sorry."

They picked their characters and I picked mine. Ari picked Snow White, Jace picked Peter Pan, and I picked some villain. They both were very mad at me for that. But, they got over it.

We played for what seemed like 10 minutes. Then, we had to stop because, I got a phone call. It was from Jay's phone.

Ethan: Hello?
Other Line: Hello. This is Brant Baker. I'm here with your wife.
Ethan: Hi... Why do you have my wife's phone?
Other Line: Sir. She has gotten into an accident. We need you to come to the hospital as soon as you can.
Ethan: Okay... I'm on my way.

I hung up the phone and stared straight ahead, blankly.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Ari asked and I looked over.

"Okay guys. Mommy got into an accident. So, we're gonna go see her... Come on. Let's go." I told them and they both moved on their own paces.

I strapped them into their car seats in the back seat of my car, and I got in the front to drive. I drove carefully, as the kids laughed at each other in the back seat the whole way there.

I got to the hospital and got the kids out of the car. I grabbed both of their hands. So, they wouldn't wonder off. I went to the front desk and they told me where she was.

They let us in her room and I peeked in before I could let the kids see. The kids went up to her, while she laid on the bed. But, I stood by the door just staring at her.

I hated seeing her like this.
I hated seeing her in this bed.
Why did we always end up there?
Why did my kids have to see her like this?

Then, the doctor pulled me out into the hallway.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked and he looked directly into my eyes.

"Sir... I'm afraid she might not make it through the night..." he told me and I tried to stay strong. But, water covered my eyes. Everything was such a blur to me.

I got out my phone, and called Grayson. I was crying the whole time he was on the phone with me.

Ethan: Gray?
Grayson: Whoah. What's wrong Ethan?
Ethan: It's Jay... She's in the hospital...
Grayson: Is she gonna be okay?
Ethan: No... They don't think she'll make it through the night...
Grayson: Oh my gosh. I'm on my way right now.
Ethan: Thanks. I really need you to watch the kids tonight, too.
Grayson: No problem. I'll be there in a few.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and I sat down in the room. Once Grayson got there. He came in the room. He said Hi, and then, he took the kids home.

I pulled my chair up next to Jayden's bed, and I was so relieved that she could talk to me.

"Ethan... Please, tell everyone I love them." she said and I frowned.

"You're going to be fine." I told her, and she shook her head.

"Ethan. Don't lie... I can't even move. I know I'm not going to make it..." she said starting to cough.

"Jay... You are the love of my life. You can't go anywhere!" I said upset.

"Ethan... I'll always be with you... If anything ever happens, I'll make sure you know what to do... Just please, don't be upset... It's okay... I'll be in a better place..." Jay told me and I couldn't hold back my tears.

"I can't handle this! I can't imagine my life without you. Please. Don't." I said and she shook her head.

"I can't control it Ethan. But, will you please, promise me one thing?" she asked me.

"Of course! Anything you want." I told her.

"Please... Make sure the kids grow up going to church... and... just know, while you raising them, if they do anything bad, or ever get in trouble, be smart about it... and make sure they aren't confused, about me... I want them to know what I look like, and the kind of person I was... and I don't care if you find them another Motherlike figure. But, I want them to know who I am." she told me and I nodded.

"Yes! Yes! Of course!" I told her and she smiled.

"I love you so much. I have never loved someone in my whole life as much as I love you. Please, always remember, I love you, and make sure the kids know I love them, too." she told me and a tear left me eye.

"I love you so much Jayden! You have no idea how hard I am trying to hide my emotions right now... But, I will tell them. They will know exactly what and who you are." I told her and she smiled.

"Now, give me a kiss you hunk." she said and I kissed her. Then, the doctor came in.

"I'm sorry. But, we have to do a few more tests. We need you to wait outside." he told me and I sighed.

"Okay. I love you." I told her and she smiled.

"I love you, too." she replied and I walked outside. I waited outside for nearly an hour, until the doctor came out.

"You can go see her now. But, she is sleeping... But, she told me to tell you, before she went to sleep... She said, to get her mom and Aunt, and turn them into the cops? She said use the letter as evidence? She said you would know what that meant..." he told me and I nodded.

I walked in, and saw her laying there. I sat back down in the chair and watched her sleep for about 3 hours.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she started breathing, very heavily. I knew what was happening... Then, the heavy breathing, started to slow down.

"Jay? I love you." I told her, even though, she probably couldn't hear me, anyways. Then, the monitor started going off. The doctors rushed into the room. Then, I took a rose out of the case on the side table, and set it on her chest.

She was dead...

*Jayden's POV*

"Hey, Dad."

"Hello, Darling."
I don't know if you guys count the Epilogue as a chapter. But, if you do, that's the last chapter, and it's coming up next.

Please Vote For A Quicker Update.

And sorry for not updating fast enough. I just went back to school yesterday and I forgot.


(1 more chapter.)



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(Oh yeah! One more thing! I'm writing another book right now about Ethan Dolan! It's called Caged. So, once I publish that, you should read it. It's gonna be great!)

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