Car Sick

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"What?!" I screamed at the boys. I could not believe that we were a part of something huge like this.

I went up and grabbed Ethan's neck. I pulled him in for a bear hug and he lifted my feet up, off of the ground.

Then, I went to Gray. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he picked me up, off of the ground as well. But, when he put me down. He did something sneaky, and I was not expecting it at all.

He grabbed my butt and squeezed it. I made an awkward eye contact with him and he just smiled. Luckily for Grayson, Ethan didn't see. He was too busy being happy.

"What is wrong with you?" I said with a regular voice and he smiled.

"Nothing at all." he said with a smirk. I tried to forget what had just happened. But, that wasn't too hard after I got a text.


U: Dad died... Didn't he?"

I looked down at the text in confusion. Who was texting me this and why were they asking me this?

J: Who is this?
U: You don't know me...
J: You're right. So, tell me who you are.
U: My name is Jaimen. (Jay-men.) I'm 18. Im coming to your new apartment not tomorrow, but, the next day, at 4pm. We need to talk.

The number then stopped replying to me. I didn't tell the boys. But, I was very suspicious about this Jamen person.

Instead of telling the boys, I just left it to myself. We all got in the car and I slept on the way up to the apartment. It actually takes about 8 hours under 2 days to get to LA from where we were. So, about 40 hours.

So, we drove and drove. But, I slept over half of the way on the 1st day. I couldn't help it. I was so tired.

When I woke up I started freaking out. I'm going to have to drive back down to New Jersey by myself to go to my Dad's funeral. I can't miss that!

"Jay. We'll come with you." Ethan said and I squinted at them. Wait! Was I talking out loud?

"Yeah. You were..." Ethan said again and I stopped talking completely.

"Oh. Okay. I guess I'm just nervous or something to see my Mom again..." I said and the rest of the car ride was a silent ride. But, it was a comfortable silent. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.

"Ethan? You look pretty tired. Do you want me to drive?" I asked and he smiled.

"No. I'm fine." he said again as I felt my stomach ache. I was in a cramp type pain. But, I didn't know what was wrong.

Suddenly, I felt really sick. I had the feeling go through my body that you get, right before you spit out your guts.

"Jay? Are you alright?" Grayson asked from the back seat.

"No. I think I'm gonna puke..." I said and Ethan pulled over the car. I opened the door and sure enough, my guts came crawling out of my mouth.

Ethan put his hand on my back, rubbing it. This sent chills through my body. After I was done. We got back on the road.

"What was that all about?" Gray asked and I shrugged.

"I was probably just car sick, or something like that." I replied and he didn't say anything else after that. It was again, completely silent.

Then, my phone started to glow bright and it buzzed. I answered the phone to an unknown number.


J: Hello?
U: Hey. It's Jamen again. When will you be at your house?
J: Either really late tomorrow, or early the next morning. Why do you want to talk to me?
U: It's about Father.
J: Why do you keep calling him that?

The phone hit a deadly silent. I kept the phone to my ear until it hung up on the other line. Why does this Jamen person keep calling my Dad, Father?

Why is this person calling me and texting me every 2.2 seconds?! How did this person get my number?!

So, I added a suspicious character into the book... Who's never been seen before... You guys need to remember the name, though... It's Jaimen.


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